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LTC Self Employed
Edited >1 y ago
I haven't ignored it. Let's not ignore the fact that the Democrats were complicit in letting the Anarchy go after the George Floyd and black lives matter Anarchy leading up to the election and afterwards. Now Democrats are being bitten in the butt because if black lives matter, so many blacks wouldn't be killed by other blacks and you wouldn't find out that the black lives matter people sold homes for themselves and bought homes all over the USA and the one in Canada and little if no money got to the people they were claiming to help. We all find out that black lives matter demanded money from corporations left and right and embezzled the money.

Let's not forget about how Twitter, Facebook and others censored critical information about President Biden and how the attorney working for the DNC for Hillary Clinton is now guilty of lying to the FBI about made up stuff claiming that Trump had a link to a Russian Bank when it was a made-up story. Now you have President Obama saying that we need to censor freedom of speech and Elon Musk is dangerous to have Twitter. President Trump may be guilty but the Democrats continued hypocrisy of power and censorship. Let's make sure we have jail cells ready for Hillary Clinton, President Obama, President Biden, Jacob Sullivan and others for using illegal fisa warrants to spy on President Trump at the White House and at his Trump Tower.

I'm not worried about January 6th. I'm worried about what more destruction will Democrats that work for George Soros and let criminals, the death and destruction caused by President Biden leaving Afghanistan which emboldened Vladimir Putin to attack Ukraine. You definitely know that getting rid of title 32 is just your way of stacking the deck of having a division and a brigade of illegal aliens come every single day into the USA because you hope eight years from now they will become the American citizens and make the Democrats be the only party left in the USA.

We are already close to embassies in the last year thanks to brokeback President Biden. Thank goodness we have senator Manchin of West Virginia and Senator Sinema of Arizona that will keep Democrats in check and not let them destroy any more of America than it already has.

It's funny that Fox News continues to dominate the top 10 so when you have angry Democrats calling people racist and fascist, nobody watches them anyway because their shows are not in the top 10. Rachel Maddow with number 11 and Anderson Cooper was number 18 so who listens to Joy Reid anyway?

You may call us deplorables, Nazis, racist, John Birchers but we have the ratings and the News doesn't get censored.
Cpl Benjamin Long SGT Charlie Lee CWO4 Terrence Clark
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Cpl Benjamin Long
How do we know McCarthy is truthful in his accusations?
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LTC Self Employed
Edited >1 y ago
Let us not forget...

While stupid President Biden says climate change has the biggest existential threat , never mind that Sweden and Finland were threatened by Russia if they try to join NATO. The president and most of the democratic party have their head up their 5th point of contact because their priorities are all reversed. They only gave a 4% increase to the Department of Defense in this last fiscal year budget but they're getting a 15% increase to all these agencies that will help with climate change so the Department of Defense is getting short-changed because you have 9% inflation. President Biden, the Democratic party and the science of stupid!

We should be spending hundreds of millions or billions of dollars increasing our defense capability not going green. China and India have until 2050 or 2060 to comply but yet we're the ones that are going to lose in the end. If we have a nuclear war, they'll be no more need for climate change mitigation at all!
Cpl Benjamin Long SGT Charlie Lee CWO4 Terrence Clark
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
>1 y
What you don't want an electric Abrahms tank that needs a battery the size of a semi truck to follow it?
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