More than 40 local companies and nonprofits are committing to close the gender- and race-based pay gap for their employees. The Hamilton County Commission on Women and Girls issued a challenge to employers about a year ago, pointing out wage disparities are worse for women of color.
Sixteen-year-old Audrey Chalfie is a member of the commission. She says it's inspiring to see so many companies sign the pledge.
"I thought this was an issue that I could really make a difference [on] in our community," Chalfie said. "And make a difference that could really be measurable — to see if women are getting paid more equally after we make all these changes."
The voluntary commitment includes a promise that each employer will analyze their own hiring, promotional, and pay practices, and publicly announce their commitment to closing the gaps.
County Commissioner Denise Driehaus helped establish the Commission on Women and Girls a few years ago.