Posted on Apr 15, 2022
Doctors who provide gender-affirming care are preparing for growing restrictions
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 5
Pretty soon they'll be trying to make women get their husband's permission for birth control. If you are a single woman, then you can't get it because you shouldn't be having sex anyway.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
John...this has nothing to do with mens health care or womens health care. This is about CHILD let me say that again CHILD Trans care and I agree with the decision. Religion aside...Children don't know who the heck they are until they get to the teen years and even then they don't know. Their minds have not developed enough to make those decisions. Adults telling them even though they have certain parts they might be the other, well IMHO that is wrong. Children will believe anything adults tell them. When they are over 18 and are considered adults then let them figure it out and I am for heath care if the believe they are trans.
Now, I don't agree nor believe that God makes mistakes but I also believe God gives free choice but they have to live with those choices, now and the mental effects of such down the road. Children don't have the mental capacity to understand what the are. But I don't think health care should be denied.
Now, I don't agree nor believe that God makes mistakes but I also believe God gives free choice but they have to live with those choices, now and the mental effects of such down the road. Children don't have the mental capacity to understand what the are. But I don't think health care should be denied.
This might tick people off, but it's an opinion, no law against it. Minors- we don't let them buy alcohol, Vaps or cigarettes/cigars, guns, some states don't even let them buy edged weapons. They can't sign contracts or anything that we people have decided maybe detrimentally to their health/well-being. We keep them in school cause it has been explained that they are not mature enough to make such decisions. But now folks are saying if the kids say that they are the "Wrong gender" we should go out of our way to "fix them". Who in the Hell are the people who push this? If they are male- castration drugs are permanent and can't be undone- surgery as well- so any chance of an aw shit is gone forever. I grow up with gays, we considered them to be different, but they were people and we accept their difference, and they didn't try to push it down our throats. Why in the blue blazes, can't parent's/ people leave them alone to grow up without trying to hang a sign around their neck, and when they are adults-make their own decisions and pay for it themselves?
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