Posted on Apr 14, 2022
After voting in Virginia, Mark Meadows is removed as a North Carolina registered voter
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 7
If he doesn't live there, he shouldn't vote there. That goes for EVERYONE, regardless of party affiliation. And I guarantee he isn't the only one. They investigated him because of Trump
SPC David S.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - So while one case may be proven this would lead me to believe others engaged in similar behavior. The would as well lead to reason of the possibility that elections can be rigged via election fraud in the US. However the voting laws GOP are pushing are viewed as racist. Can't have ID's either as that is racist as well so the only way to ensure the integrity of our elections is to trust that scumbags don't act like scumbags. That is a very optimistic approach in America as both sides have proven (Clinton dossier lawyer scumbag) that the list of scumbags in American politics goes all the way to the top (Clinton and Trump) there is no moral high ground here.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
SPC David S. Everyone involved in politics are scumbags IMO, it's just a matter of degree. Also every election I've ever seen has had some degree of fraud but certainly not to the extent that the results of the final vote are in jeopardy.. Think about it clearly for a minute, even in a small town of say 300 voters how many fraudulent votes would it take to change an outcome? Then multiply that by thousands for larger voting districts and add the fact the proven fraud in 2020 is under 100 people nationally while over 152 million people voted.
SPC David S.
While I agree that most elections are immune to fraud there have been cases where one vote mattered. As well our elections and elections of foreign countries are manipulated via social media and MSM thus why the CIA seeded Facebook in the first place. They saw it for what they could do with it - much like what Russia did with Facebook. As for MSM the Hunter laptop comes to mind.
Todays politics is all about money and power masquerading as democracy for the people. Thus why the calls to impeach Trump on Ukraine he got way to close to the fountain head of politico wealth - the selling of political influence - over the needs of constituents.
I know it might sound tin foil hat but I feel we are close to the tipping point in being a puppet government of China or the WEF if not already bowing to the WEF.
Todays politics is all about money and power masquerading as democracy for the people. Thus why the calls to impeach Trump on Ukraine he got way to close to the fountain head of politico wealth - the selling of political influence - over the needs of constituents.
I know it might sound tin foil hat but I feel we are close to the tipping point in being a puppet government of China or the WEF if not already bowing to the WEF.
Judge overturns Eatonville election due to ‘illegal’ votes
More than 19 months after Tarus Mack was certified the winner of an Eatonville Town Council election, a judge has ordered Mack to be removed from his position due to evidence uncovered by his opponent suggesting votes were illegally cast or procured.
He is cooperating with the 06 committee as far as releasing certain materials. He is liable for much more criminality related to the insurrection.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Cooperating in the past tense, he gave up some documents then his former boss went berserk and he clammed up and was found in contempt of Congress.
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