Posted on Apr 7, 2022
Small New England Town Cuts School Board Budget—in Half | Patrick Carroll
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown Our school doesn't even have a budget of $8,000.00 per student and under the proposal it would have be about $21,000.00. Where was all that extra money going?
Having had children in the New Hampshire school system for over 10 years this could have possibilities. New Hampshire schools have always been near the top because of their willingness go invest in the future....their children. That has always meant a good chunk of property taxes (NH has no income tax) going to school budgets to provide things like technology far in advance of other states. (When we moved from NH to Florida in the 80s our kids had computers in every classroom, Florida had none). My concern with this plan would be does it contain the funds to continue to provide the ability to have state of the art technology in the classroom or is it just preserving a status quo that will eventually fall behind? is a close to center publication but nonetheless reflects the perspective of the right which in general is to not spend money on anything unless absolutely essential. That position can be OK short term but, when held to long term, leads to conditions like we have with infrastructure. I'm a born and raised New England conservative but don't want to see education go down the path that lack of long term vision and funding brought to infrastructure.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
I don't have a problem with spending money IF there is accountability and too often, there is not.
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