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Responses: 9
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Heck! HRC paid Putin for dirt on Trump. Do you see how ridiculous articles like this are? Do you see how articles like this actually help Putin AND Xi Jinping rip our Country apart?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see) - I just so dislike people who tear our Country apart, change/destroy any institution, to get what they want.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
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LTC (Join to see) - These Progressive Marxist Democrats believe they can buy and/or talk their way out of anything their policies create that is bad. I guess that means they think we are idiots.
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - They don't think about us at all. Can you remember them calling us Joe sixpack? That was't as bad as being called a white surprimest / raciest. Now does it? No open dialog we are unworthy after they blindly brand us with the manicure they rightly deserve.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC Les Darbison - The Progressive Marxist Democrats in our society (that are Democrat and Republican) only think about us for how they can use others to get what they want. When the policies they advocate for fail, they never take credit and always look for a scapegoat they can blame for their failure.

In the case of COVID it is the people who didn’t get vaccinated “who deserve to die” because they aren’t protecting the rest of society, while they fail to realize people who are vaccinated and boosted are catching the various also. In the case of gas prices, they blame Putin, when the gas prices have steadily gone up since the first day President Biden took office (over a year before Putin invaded Ukraine) and started his anti-fossil fuel policies.

How long will it be before our Progressive Democrats stop saying people should die according to how they believe and start doing something about it? Like Stalin did to the farmers in Ukraine all those years ago. It is interesting looking at the first 3 Stalin quotes on the attached site and compare it with what our Progressive Marxist Democrats are working toward today:
“A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.”
“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”
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Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Edited >1 y ago
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Hunter Biden keeps getting richer and richer with his nefarious dealings with China and perhaps other countries... and no one does anything...

And yet on an opposite tac...

I remember when Trump was in office we were a net exporter of oil and natural gas and the price at the pump for gasoline was $2.39 per gallon...Borders were secure, and the economy outstanding... Now, under JB, our borders are basically open to any and all, and we don't know who has come in or where they are. Gasoline is running about $4.19 per gallon in SW FL, but as high as $5.99 per gallon in some states (and perhaps higher), and our economy is in a state of negative flux, with increased prices on goods and services, and of course foods... Inflation is just about 7% and our purchasing power has decreased accordingly... Yet the MSM still attacks Trump anyway it can, and He has been out of office for over a year now...

Maybe at some point we can all get our heads around what is really happening, before we, as a Country, are subordinate to China or some other Country... Let's pull it together folks...and protect our Country and its resources for our grandchildren, who will be paying for the mess we are in now... Just saying...from an old man's viewpoint...
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
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LTC George Morgan - There is no disinformation on what I stated, apparently you did not read my full comments as I cited what the current gasoline price is in SW Florida (Fort Myers area). Some states may have differing gasoline tax rate structures resulting in a slightly lower pump price. Other locales may have higher tax rate structures resulting in higher prices, like Los Angeles where regular gas is $5.999 per gallon, The $5.999 price in LAX is the highest I have found thus far...and there are some areas of the country that are lower that what I pay in the Fort Myers, FL area... That doesn't make what I stated disinformation, my friend...

I watched the Post above and it is a video posting by a MSM News outlet, slanted to show the GOP in a negative light while reinforcing the left, in my view. (I was a DEM earlier in my adult life, and saw the light.) As for January 6th, Trump may have initiated a peaceful protest, but in my view, there were radicals that infiltrated the protest into the planned fiasco that was reported on... There are many views on this, but I saw nothing that indicates to me that January 6th was intended as a violence based occurrence... I generally look at all views before writing anything on social media and what I stated is the view I have on my response above...
SrA Aerospace Ground Equipment (Age)
SrA (Join to see)
>1 y
Inflation has many other factors. Your source material is bias. Evidently you dislike our current commander in chief
MSgt Michael Bischoff
MSgt Michael Bischoff
>1 y
Don’t listen to the news Hunter Biden is under investigation by the pro trump lawyer the Biden himself left in place to appease trump groupies. Funny how you ignore that fact. Gas went that low under trump because nobody was buying it or traveling, again a fact you have forgotten.

Prices now are high because of inflation and the oil company and OPEC profit taking another fact you failed to acknowledge.

Quick run to you pro trump web sites and blame the democrats on the orgies and cocaine use like nut case cawthorne.

It is amazing how the pro trump groupies on this site see no wrong with the prophet.

You can nothing to disprove these facts. Biden is by no means perfect but he did help unit NATO the same group trump wanted to disband.so his pee buddy can take over Europe.
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
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MSgt Michael Bischoff - It is amazing how you Pro Biden yokels continually fail to see the larger picture as more and more of our Constitutional rights are being infringed upon and how the citizenry of our Country are becoming more and more dominated by the people elected to lead on the Citizenry's behalf! Under Critical Race theory being pushed on our teachers to teach them what is WRONG with white people and their way of life... Note this from "Alliance Defending FREEDOM":
- "Students in some public schools are being indoctrinated in the teachings of a radical ideology sometimes called “critical theory” or “critical race theory.”

- Children are being told they are “oppressed” or an “oppressor” based solely on the color of their skin.

- Children are being told that the American system of government must be replaced.
And critical theory cynically views inherent rights and freedoms—like free speech—as mere tools for the “powerful” to control the “oppressed.” Dissent from these race-based indoctrination programs is punished."

There seems to be no end in sight to the downward spiral of our Republic and as a once staunch Democrat, I saw the light, what was wrong, and Hightailed it to become a political Independent in support of the Constitution of the United States and Freedom of our Republic and not the radical ideas of the far far left... Just adding my two cents worth...
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SSG John Oliver
Putin doesn't have diddley on anybody. If he did he wouldn't be in Ukraines meat grinder.
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