Posted on Mar 31, 2022
Justice Dept. Widens Jan. 6 Inquiry to Range of Pro-Trump Figures
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 6
SSgt Richard Kensinger
Deflection, distraction and denigrate the fact tellers is the only strategy his ardent promoters can muster as many have been and are complicit in Donald's public criminality.
LTC Steve Beres
Well, if you believe that all of these cases are being handled equally, I do not know what else to say on this topic to point out the hypocrisy. So, let me make a couple of final points, trying to appeal to your logical side. Lets put aside any Trump or biden derangement syndrome. I have found that trying to reason with anyone on either the far right or far left is just a waste of time, in both cases they bring-up examples to argue their points that do not look at both sides from a realistic standpoint. Once again, the Capitol riots and all the others from 2020 are being handled completely different. I am not stating that an investigation should not be done on what happened at the Capitol, just to state that point. I am stating that justice is not being applied equally. As for the Capitol riot, we have a special commission on that incident, not on all the other riots. Which, both included damage to federal property or was crimes in federal law. If someone was beaten to death with a baseball bat or stabbed to death with a knife, should these cases be handled differently? The Summer riots caused an estimated $2 billion in damage, whereas Congress was back in session in the House Chamber 3 hours later. Once again, I am adamently against what happened on that day, I am just pointing out the scale of physical damage. In both cases, all the perpetrators should be held accountable, but equally under the law. If you were the victim of a crime, would the judicial system let you conduct the investigation? Of course not, because of potential bias. Since this happened during a meeting on the House floor, all the members of Congress were the victims, yet they are conducting the investigation. If Congress can waste time and our taxes on investigating the use of steroids in baseball, as they did several years ago, one would think they would give equal attention to rioting that were federal crimes. By the way, the only authorization that Congress has to issue subpoenas is for legislative purposes, not for criminal investigations. They have not stated a legislative purpose, in other words to change a law. Only the Judicial Branch on the federal side can issue them for potential criminal prosecution. This is why the Judicial Branch should be conducting the investigation, not Congress, and thereby is another example of due process being handled differently. Again, my arguement is that all of these instances should be done equally under the law. I do not care if it was a right wing group or a left wing group, those rioting in all cases should be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If these are not handled equally, then what stops it from happening again? Frankly, anyone whom was not disturbed by the riots in Seattle, Portland, or at the Capitol is beyond redemption. However, justifying that these crimes are completely different and should be treated differently by the judicial system because of location or political persuation is also disturbing in my opinion. During my time in service I served under 5 differentt Commanders in Chief. One of them I really liked, 2 were ok, and 2 others caused me to just hold my breath until the next election. What did not change was my job, the UCMJ was applied equally under each President, and we just accomplished the mission. The rules cannot be changed no matter whom is in charge, and this includes under our judicial system and constitution
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