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Responses: 2
CWO4 Terrence Clark
Those are good thoughts to ponder as one builds their career. Personally, as long as the upline is consistent I can work with that. I will deal with a total buttcrust much more comfortably than some mercurial unknown.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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You have that right. The worst person I worked for was all over the place, you never knew what she wanted. Sometimes I wonder if she knew herself.
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CPT Consultant
One of the best exec phase descriptor progressions I’ve heard =

Phase 1 - Need a “dreamer” to start a company
Phase 2 - Then a “son-of-a-bitch” to fix it
Phase 3 - And finally an “administrator” to run it

Worked @ a Phase 1 SV startup that was acquired by a Fortune 100 Behemoth. The new owners neglected to apply Phase 2 and installed a Phase 3 management team. The ensuing circus was effectively covered (up) by an NDA.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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I seem to remember the “5 Phases of a Project” when I worked at PennDOT:
1) Enthusiasm
2) Disillusionment
3) Panic
4) Punishment of the innocent
5) Praise and honor for the nonparticipants
CPT Consultant
CPT (Join to see)
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SFC (Join to see) - Pretty accurate list. Worked for a Phase 2 VP @ a EEPROM Fab. During a project meeting he started to conduct oral surgery (without anesthesia) on an engineer. After a few minutes I opened my stainless and handed it to the VP with the suggestion that it would facilitate pulling molars. Long story short, he fixed the FAB which was fortunately followed by a Phase 3 management approach.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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CPT (Join to see) - Reminds me of something my dear friend Dave Elmer would do, he was a Marine. He died a number of years ago but there are no regrets, he lived his life to the fullest.
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