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Responses: 2
MSG Randall Rankin
Why spend to develop tech when you can steal it???
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PO2 Marco Monsalve
All the Intel I've seen agrees with that proposition and that in some respects is already capable of competing head to head
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Their aircraft are not a match for ours, their ability to command and control lags ours, and their Navy can't compete with ours -- YET. IF China could invade and take Taiwan, they would do so, but their problem is that they have to get there. In order for them to move men and materials to Taiwan, they must cross blue water or fly there. Our Navy and Air Force would sink them and shoot them out of the air. So for them to achieve success, China must be able to preempt our response and I believe they are still not 100% confident they can do so.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
It's easier to fight without fighting and if China can donate a few million and buy Democratic leaders who are beholden to them, all the better. The whole world knows that Biden was installed in a rigged election... 81 million votes? Really?!! The Democrats were quick to blame Russia for election interference when Trump won in 2016, but what they don't want to talk about is how China assisted them in 2020, financially and otherwise. When China supports a particular Party in this country, THAT should be your clue to vote for the other Party candidate. China does not have our well-being in mind; they support the weakest candidate... one they can manipulate and control.
PO2 Marco Monsalve
PO2 Marco Monsalve
>1 y
I am neither a Democrat or pro-Biden but I do know that it is exactly this kind of dialogue that plays right into the hands of Xi and Putin. You were doing fine until you got into the political BS.
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