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Responses: 2
Sgt Self Employed
Edited >1 y ago
We have other more important things to spend our money on, like more gender studies programs in Pakistan.
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
YEP...and I know there are Veterans on the street that fought and can't get decent healthcare.
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
>1 y
Whole heartedly agree Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth I do not have a solution for that, nor does anyone to my knowledge. From my time with non profits here in Tucson - in terms of services available, including a huge VA with many associated clinics - there is no rational reason there should be ANYONE on the streets or hungry. Yet, to coin a phrase, they persist. I often think that some well intended amelioration efforts in fact are enabling efforts. For example, the Salvation Army feeds at their facility. Bringing the recipient closer to related social services. Our church sends a daily soup truck to several parks where homeless gather. The Padre and I have different views on that. (Imagine that!) :-))
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