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Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Hopefully, they will provide some assistance in this?
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MSgt Mark Bucher
Ya know, just plain common sense. But hey, I’ve met too many over educated people in my life without any common sense, so it doesn’t surprise me
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
MSgt Mark Bucher I Are Smart, I Are Retired Navy Cryptologic Technician! Common Sense? Considering what I did for 21 Years I wonder about My "Common Sense" 2 of those that "Operated" with Me got Significant Disability Ratings (Mental) for the Crap We were Involved with.
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MSgt Steve Sweeney
So NOW Charlie Brown wants government assistance like some kind of socialist.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
PO1 Jeff Chandler - Oh really? How is it not? Spending taxpayer money to subsidize and assist a specific group of people who made a choice. How is it not? How is it Capitalism?
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
PO1 Jeff Chandler - Well thank you for that. So obviously welfare, food stamps, the provision of health insurance, or even corporate bail outs are not "socialist" because they have nothing to do with the means of production.

I really enjoy how people like you like to twist definitions to fit what you want them to mean in the moment rather than what they actually mean. To be clear, I don't have a problem with the government assisting Americans to get out of Ukraine, I just find it surprising that those that rail against "socialism", which using the government and tax payer money to help a specific group of individuals that meet a certain criteria absolutely is, don't seem to have a problem with it.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
PO1 Jeff Chandler - You should probably stop speculating on what I like and do not like. You wouldn't want to look more foolish than you already do. I am simply pointing out that government intervention on behalf of a special cohort of individuals is a form of socialism. You like limited government? Move to Somalia. Hardly any government there. See how you like it. As far as a "nanny state", what is the government pulling people out of dangerous situations if not a "nanny state" - protecting people from their own choices. Those people had ample opportunity to leave on their own. You may be the one that wants a "nanny state" in this particular instance.

Capitalism is great for consumer products. No better system in the world. A lot of things are not consumer products and the government has a role.... national defense for instance. I am sure you think you like Capitalism, but I am willing to bet that if we broke it down piece by piece there are plenty of areas where you would agree that government control by elected individuals rather than by non-elected corporate CEOs is a better option. Capitalism is great for some things, but not for all things. Not everything should have a profit motive.

Have you considered what capitalism has done for media by making information and "news" a for profit commodity? When the content is driven not by accuracy but by how many eyeballs they can keep glued to the screen? To be clear, I am not saying government control of media is the solution, but just remember when you complain about Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, the "Lame Stream Media" etc... all of that is Capitalism.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
PO1 Jeff Chandler - Understood, and you want to protect people from their choices... traveling to Russia and/or Ukraine. Maybe YOU are the one that wants a "nanny state"? Show me in the Constitution or Bill of Rights where it says anything about evacuating citizens. Go ahead... point it out. And what if they don't want to go? What then? You want to force them on an airplane? Or at that point to they just become handy for your diatribe about the government not evacuating its citizens?

BTW, we helped a lot of people get out of Afghanistan. Perhaps you missed footage of the air lifts.
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