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Responses: 5
CWO4 Terrence Clark
What took so long? Ah, mid-terms.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Good news but so much for the GOP supporting Veterans
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
>1 y
CPL Earl Kochis Have you read the bill??? Your comment indicates not and you're just responding with the far right response that gave it 174 nay votes.
CPL Earl Kochis
CPL Earl Kochis
>1 y
Yeah actually did and all the funds are for nothing but research that’s already been done not a single cent will go to vets!Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
SFC Terry Stinnett
SFC Terry Stinnett
>1 y
CPL Earl Kochis I think you misunderstand 1. How research on physiological disorders is conducted. 2. Only veterans OR POTENTIALLY their dependents affected by the exposure, would be enrolled in the research (a lot of which is data collection). I personally am acquainted with a Vietnam era vet who was exposed to Agent Orange and he has a 40 y.o. son dying of bladder cancer--bladder CA has been associated with Agent Orange exposure --so the damage could have been passed father to son via damaged DNA. But we would not be able to establish this or similar other toxic exposure issues without research. The only time gender is mentioned is as a category of data to be collected along with other pertinent data, so that variables can be understood and controlled for. I'm not certain how you came up with the position that the research has been completed, as the burn pit exposure issues have NOT been adequately addressed and similarly, issues with contaminated waters (PFAS firefighting chemicals, the Pearl Harbor contamination issue of recent months) have not been addressed. On the one hand, we want our AD and veterans needs taken care of, but we also don't want a wholesale "give-away" to vets making a claim that cannot be scientifically and medically supported.
CPL Earl Kochis
CPL Earl Kochis
>1 y
I think you didn’t read the billSFC Terry Stinnett
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SrA Ronald Moore
Thanks for sharing
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