Posted on Feb 28, 2022
Working parents face continued chaos despite reopened schools
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 2
Schools think that parents can drop thing, but some companies have issues, the schools need to be less anal and do a crainial extraction Lt Col Charlie Brown
That's something that will never change, even when you and I were in school the situation was the same. Back then odds were mom was at home, but how was she going to get to the school since 2 car families were pretty rare?
Cpl Vic Burk
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - Even in high school where bus service was available I always chose to walk also. It gave me time to think.
MAJ Roland McDonald
Yes two car families were rare but also both parents working was also rare. In 1978 my senior year in high school. I was joint enrolled in HS and College. This was before the college classes taught in or near the HS. It was Jan 78 and major snow storm hit midwest. Dad had retired at Fort Riley. He passed in 76. The snow storm dropped 43 inches in Junction city KS. Across KS all school districts and universities were closed except USD 475 (Junction city and area around) and KSU in Manhattan KS 20 miles from JC. the snow was drier snow and with winds had whipped up alot of snow drifts. Heading to HS I had to breach an 8 ft snow drift. Took 4 ties of ramming to get through in my trusty pinto..... lol. Got to HS spent half day then drove 20 miles to classes at KSU. one class was in a lecture hall for 800 but only 10 showed and professor held class. Learned more in that 2 hr class than all the large lectures. Used to walk to school from 3rd grade to 10th grade in the snow uphill both ways..... lol. And had a paper route that I used to delivery papers in all sorts of conditions. Learned hard work and never give up attitude from this. And I laugh at kids today.
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