Posted on Feb 24, 2022
Trump falsely blames Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 'rigged election' in the US before Fox News...
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 9
Kind of telling when one of the only 3 networks that still support you cuts you off.
I'm going to start calling him Donald "Jane Fonda (JF for short") Trump for his aiding and abetting the enemy his Bro Putin.
PO2 Marco Monsalve
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - I was gone from RVN when Fonda made her trip but hated and resented her stance nonetheless, still do. This gives Trump no excuse whatsoever for his comments at a time when the US is actively involved in a conflict, and we are whether anyone wants to admit it or not. If obfuscating by pointing back to Biden is a way to excuse Trump, that's up to you. Doers not make his comments any less heinous.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
PO2 Marco Monsalve I am obvuscating as you say...Biden is pres and whatever happens falls directly on him. Doesn't matter what anyone has or will say!
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
PO2 Marco Monsalve you can say whatever you want but all of this Ukraine $#!+ falls directly on Biden...Trump kept his friends close but his enemies closer...Trump was.repeatedly criticized for things in Africa and other places by Obama, Bush, and Clinton...thats what former pres do...they pontificate BS. I don't care what he says or any other reformer pres hogwash and people trying to tie current Russian aggression to his comments need to reevaluate their cognitive abilities...what happens now is directly correlated to the mumbled words out of Bidens mouth.
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