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Responses: 8
SSG Bill McCoy
I agree ... a (very) tragic accident for all concerned.
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CPL LaForest Gray

*{Eventually it’ll sink-in}*

1.) A look at the Casual Killing Act of 1669 that made it legal to kill a slave at will :

Virginia passes an act regarding the casual killing of slaves: "If any slave resist his master (or other by his master’s order correcting him) and by the extremity of the correction should chance to die, that his death shall not be accompted felony."


2.) Slave Patrols: An Early Form of American Policing

July 10, 2019 | Authored by Chelsea Hansen

“I [patroller’s name], do swear, that I will as searcher for guns, swords, and other weapons among the slaves in my district, faithfully, and as privately as I can, discharge the trust reposed in me as the law directs, to the best of my power. So help me, God.”
-Slave Patroller’s Oath, North Carolina, 1828.

Source : The National Law Enforcement


“The National Law Enforcement Museum is dedicated to telling the story of American law enforcement by providing visitors a “walk in the shoes” experience. The Museum is working to expand and enrich the relationship shared by law enforcement and the community through educational journeys, immersive exhibitions, and insightful programs.”
_________________________________ •
“I can Breathe & I will FIGHT BACK”.
Stay alert, Stay safe & Stay strong

U.S. Army Veteran
12 1/2 years Honorable Service
ODS Vet : Support Garrison
OEF/OIF Vet : Deployed to Theatre
No Political Affiliation

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
>1 y
Seeing that I’ve explained this to you numerous times I’ll do it again MSG Joseph Cristofaro

1.) Both the Military and Local Police are on duty to both “Protect & Serve”.

24 Hours
7 Days a week
365 Days a year

Yet ONLY police officers have a bill that is :

“Killing a police officer is a capital felony, punishable by the death penalty or life imprisonment without the possibility of release. It is one of nine capital felonies.“

If you still chose not to comprehend, ehh.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
>1 y
To come full circle once again when replying to you about mentioning the Military MSG Joseph Cristofaro

Explain why a local cop life is more valuable than a U.S. solider { #Army #Navy #Marines #Airforce #CoastGuard } murdered by ANY U.S. Citizen.

Not opinion, use FACTS.

*** Cheat Sheet : It’s Not ***
{ No job or uniform makes someone life more or less valuable, PERIOD. WTF }

Qualified Immunity & the Protect & Serve Act of 2018 (Blue Lives Matter” bill) is for cops who are cops 24/7/365 ... hey, so are soldiers 365/24/7 .... well look at that.

FYI : IDGAD about “BLM” the movement/organization .... I do KNOW & CARE that Black Lives Matter, PERIOD.
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
>1 y
CPL LaForest Gray - At first I thought the black mans legs was being cut off but upon closer examination he is sawing off his shackles, not killing him.
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
>1 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Well said Joe.
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SFC William Farrell
PO2 Marco Monsalve I just posted an article on this sentence and then saw yours. Here is what I had to say about it which I truly believe: The family is not happy with the sentence! As tragic as this shooting was, it was not criminal. The criminal is the one who started resisting and trying to drive off as the cuffs were about to be slapped on him for a weapons charge. I do not believe former Officer Potter meant to shoot him. Its sad all around. she had a 26 year career with no prior incidents. If the man had just complied with the officers, he'd still be alive today.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
>1 y

There are NO GOOD COPS!!!

The so-called “good cops” know who the “bad cops” are and chose to do NOTHING about it are also bad-cops, so therefore by not upholding the law they swore to... they’re bad cops also.

If a good cop doesn’t turn in a bad cop, then they are both bad cops.

If a good cop turns in a bad cop to their supervisor and the Supervisors doesn’t arrest the bad cop so that the District Attorney can press charges against the bad cop, and the “good cop” just lets it stop there, then there are no good cops.

They are willing participants of a criminal organization.

It’s not hard to comprehend.

Cops who know of corruption by cops :

1.) Planting evidence
2.) Rape
3.) Beating people
4.) Taking drugs and selling /using them.
5.) Robbery
6.) Stalking
7.) Falsified Police reports
8.) Murder
And so on....

The cops who cover for cops that break the law and do nothing ARE corrupt criminals themselves. Just like the civilians that they arrest are considered “Accessory to those crimes” by their friends and family if they commit a crime and help cover it up.

Cops that look the other way, cover up the crimes committed by their fellow officers are criminals according to the law.

Policing itself is a verified criminal organization.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
>1 y
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
>1 y
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
>1 y

1.) Former Lithonia officer pleads guilty to raping woman while on duty

By Shaddi Abusaid, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
June 3, 2022

“A former Lithonia officer with a history of sexual assault allegations was sentenced to 25 years in prison after admitting to raping a woman less than a mile from his police station.

David Wilborn, 45, pleaded guilty Friday to rape, aggravated assault and two counts of false imprisonment in the 2019 rape during a traffic stop at Lithonia Park.

Authorities said Wilborn was on duty and in uniform when he forced the woman out of a car and raped her at gunpoint as her friend lay face down in front of the vehicle.”

SOURCE : https://www.ajc.com/news/crime/former-lithonia-officer-pleads-guilty-to-raping-woman-while-on-duty/AGDV6I3NZNHCNGG6BJEKCGRPAM/

2.) A cop raped a woman at gun point during a traffic stop.

Since this was in the south, pregnancy could kill her. He should be charged not only with rape, but attemped murder - unless he wore a condom and was 100% sure she could not become pregnant.

He had a history of sexual assault, and of a cover-up. They kept him on as a police offcer anyway.

At least he's going to prison now - finally.

SOURCE : https://xriddlemethisx.livejournal.com/1464192.html

3.) Traffic Stop Rape Conviction: Georgia cop sentenced to 25 years in prison for sexual assault

David Wilborn was on duty when officials said he kept a car from leaving a Georgia park, ordered a woman to get out and raped her at gunpoint.

Updated: 7:56 AM EDT Jun 6, 2022

The Associated Press

{ DECATUR, Ga. (AP) — A former police officer in suburban Atlanta pleaded guilty Friday to raping a woman during a 2019 traffic stop, with a judge sentencing him to 25 years in prison. }

SOURCE : https://www.wjcl.com/amp/article/georgia-traffic-stop-rape-gunpoint/40204466

Ex-Lithonia officer pleads guilty to raping woman during traffic stop, district attorney says
DeKalb DA Sherry Boston announced the guilty plea on Friday.

Author: Jonathan Raymond (11Alive)
Published: 9:34 PM EDT June 3, 2022
Updated: 9:34 PM EDT June 3, 2022

“LITHONIA, Ga. — An ex-Lithonia officer who had a prior sexual assault allegation while with the Atlanta Police Department pleaded guilty to raping a woman during a 2019 traffic stop, DeKalb County's district attorney said.

DeKalb DA Sherry Boston said in a release on Friday that 45-year-old David Wilborn pleaded guilty to charges including rape, aggravated assault, false imprisonment and more.”

SOURCE : https://www.google.com/amp/s/http://www.11alive.com/amp/article/news/crime/david-wilborn-ex-lithonia-officer-rape-guilty-plea/85-0e2d4afc-3371-4973-8aa5-e41e3d25ccad
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