Posted on Feb 16, 2022
U.S. suspends Mexican avocado imports due to organized crime
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 2
No guac. Guess those who saw the superbowl should be glad they had it last week....
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Lt Col Charlie Brown I Have No Problem Paying more for US Avocados, I'm still getting Guacamole on My Burritos from Chipotle.
The real organized crime is the US Federal Grubermint's war on America's food production. It is crazy insane that the vast majority of our food production, is either grown/produced by other nations or grown/produced here by foreign workers and/or owned by foreign business.
Did we not learn a damn lesson from World War Two, that exposed the threat to National Security when globally sourced resources, goods, foods and medicines are cut-off???? Even when in season here in the US, you will find almost 100% of any produce section or Farmer's Market stock with Mexican and Canadian grown produce. NAFTA was the progenitor of this and the USMCA only finished the job. Even our meat production is beginning to be supplanted by foreign meat products. With the repeal of the COOL (Certificate Of Origin Labeling) from the Farm Bill in 2013, we can no longer find where our meats come from on the packaging. By the way, being USDA Inspection is NO indicator that the meat is grown, slaughtered and processed here in the US. Look up broiler chickens slaughtered in America by companies that employ illegal aliens, then sent to China to be processed/package, then sent back to the US. The USDA is hands-off the moment the broiler chickens are flash frozen. They, nor the FDA, do any inspections when this meat if returned back to the US Consumers.
Did we not learn a damn lesson from World War Two, that exposed the threat to National Security when globally sourced resources, goods, foods and medicines are cut-off???? Even when in season here in the US, you will find almost 100% of any produce section or Farmer's Market stock with Mexican and Canadian grown produce. NAFTA was the progenitor of this and the USMCA only finished the job. Even our meat production is beginning to be supplanted by foreign meat products. With the repeal of the COOL (Certificate Of Origin Labeling) from the Farm Bill in 2013, we can no longer find where our meats come from on the packaging. By the way, being USDA Inspection is NO indicator that the meat is grown, slaughtered and processed here in the US. Look up broiler chickens slaughtered in America by companies that employ illegal aliens, then sent to China to be processed/package, then sent back to the US. The USDA is hands-off the moment the broiler chickens are flash frozen. They, nor the FDA, do any inspections when this meat if returned back to the US Consumers.
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