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Responses: 5
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Edited >1 y ago
This article produces more questions than answers, but the obvious slant the publication wants you to take away is that the Biden administration is enabling drug abusers. As someone who works for the Drug Enforcement Administration, I can assure you that not one administration has gotten drug policy right in the last 40 years, but Biden is a convenient GOP punching bag and the latest shiny object.

Just to be clear, I am not in favor of enabling any drug abuse whatsoever and no matter what you may read, most drug abuse, including marijuana use, is still a federal crime. While it's great to conjure up mental images of what the average crack user looks like, the real problem in this country is opioid/fentanyl abuse, which has killed a half million Americans in the past decade.

Opioid abuse became a much bigger problem in the previous administration because the director's position of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy sat vacant for Trump's first two years in office. To make matters worse, Trump's nominee to lead the office, a (Republican Congressman from PA) withdrew his nomination after it was learned that he had taken nearly $100,000 from the pharmaceutical lobby, while sponsoring a bill that made it easier for drug companies to distribute opioids throughout American communities and frustrate DEA enforcement efforts.

The oversupply/diversion of legitimate opioids combined with the increased availability of counterfeit opioid pills laced with fentanyl, caught the White House flat-footed and the administration had to play catch up in the second half. It only became a crisis after Trump learned that several red states were experiencing disproportionate opioid overdose deaths. After that revelation Trump decided he would just wave his magic wand and end the opioid epidemic by saying it's 100% defeated when in reality it's not.

Sadly the lack of attention in those two years contributed to the greatest amount of U.S. opioid-related deaths on record. All drug abuse is bad, but I think it's important to look at the systemic drug problem and focus on reducing deaths and demand from all drugs, especially those that are the leading cause of deaths.

After doing some research feel free to point the finger at this administration for what sounds like a ridiculous proposal, but please don't be selectively outraged when a righty rag highlights the words "racial equity" in a story to trigger your emotions. You have to learn to do your own homework.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
1px xxx
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>1 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - There's a shocker.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
CMSgt Al Nall - LOL!
Sgt Self Employed
Nothing says "racial equity" like giving drug users more tools to feed their addicion. And now that the DOJ is looking at funding heroin dens, they'll even have a place to go shoot up and maybe even steal someone else's drugs.
Great thinkin'.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Regardless what that right-wing rag printed; this is a beneficial program designed to help protect our less fortunate citizens.
Perhaps if one were to actually read what the program is designed to do:
1px xxx
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>1 y
It's certainly well-intentioned, but similar previous efforts have not resulted in significant drug demand reduction. I also think the doc is a bit ambiguous, so it's probably more about heart than head.
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
>1 y
It's sad to see the left-tards defend programs like this. But then they like misery.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price - None of the conservative programs have ever helped the problem of drug addiction.
1px xxx
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>1 y
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price - What's really sad is attacking harm reduction efforts, which couldn't be more urgent. Now is the time to hash out these strategies to see what actually works and separate them from obvious ideological battles. Trying try to factcheck semantics about what a "pipe" is while children are dying is cruel and carceral. If you are more focused on a bringing down a President than you are in bringing solutions to the table, you're part of the problem. Attempting to own the libs for the next three years while whistling by the graveyard, will reveal the true content of one's character. We had a surge of 500,000 overdose deaths in the last decade, none of them were from crack. Focus on that.
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