Posted on Feb 1, 2022
A small island nation has cooked up not 1, not 2 but 5 COVID vaccines. It's Cuba! — NPR
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 1
Hidden inside the breathless Cuba cheer leading was a reference to the approach Cuba has taken - protein subunit conjugate vaccines. Had to refresh my knowledge in this discipline (as tho I ever knew) . This link has a simple, clear explanation.,a%20carrier%20protein%20to%20try.
If it works, let's add it to our quiver. Guessing production lead time an impediment?
If it works, let's add it to our quiver. Guessing production lead time an impediment?
SFC Terry Stinnett
Caveat: acellular pertussis vaccine (protects against whooping cough) is one of those that's mostly effective IF the entire 5 shot series is completed in childhood AND followed up by "boosters" in Middle School years and for pg Women & folks in contact with infants (e.g. grandparents, child care workers) since is can cause asymptomatic or unrecognized symptomatic transmission to infants & children when the full series hasn't been completed. Unfortunately, there's no big $$$ for pharma to pursue better vax for this disease
SFC Terry Stinnett
SFC Bernard Walko we need to be developing new/different antibiotics as well Lots of basic research through NIH & grants to university research institutions, even USAMRIID, but then scaling up & conducting clinical trials is a significant step that we typically need pharma as partners
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