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Responses: 11
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
Ashli Babbitt was murdered.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
>1 y
Yes she was. Just wait until after 2022 midterms...maybe we will find out what actually happened.
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
>1 y
Watched a show called Huckabee and got to see some footage of the resurrection. We have been lied to by government. "Capitol Punishment" Actor Nick Searcy.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
It brings things into more perspective Lt Col Charlie Brown
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MSgt Dale Johnson
She was where she shouldn't have been, she was unarmed, could and should be charged with trespass, but that Officers life, AT THAT TIME was not under threat of death or bodily harm. He was at least 6 to 10 feet away and had a barrier that had not been breached between the protestors and himself.
The people outside actually attacking the Capitol Officers, I would not have the least sympathy if they had been shot, those Officers would have been defending themselves or their fellow Officers. Those people were using various objects as weapons in a potential Life Threatening situation. I would have and still would support their actions if they had shot any of those who armed themselves with sticks, flagpoles, etc.
This guy fired indiscriminately through the barrier, there is a big difference.
IMHO this has been swept under the rug because of racial background.
MSgt Dale Johnson
MSgt Dale Johnson
>1 y
You are correct she was in the window, obviously from the picture she could have easily entered but did not. When he fired it actually knocked her backwards, if she were attempting to enter I would have thought she would have fallen forward.
The people I had said would have been justified in using deadly force were those officers who were DIRECTLY under attack, not all officers in the vicinity.
1px xxx
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>1 y
MSgt Dale Johnson oh give it a rest. She f*cked around, she found out. You are grasping at the most fragile of straws to avoid accepting that the world is moving past you in your twilight years. I hope for your sake you have enough clarify left to realize what a fool you’ve made of yourself. This is pathetic and embarrassing, especially coming from the party that wanted to shoot people en masse for looting a target

I don’t even have to make fun of you guys anymore. Just keep you talking and you’ll self own eventually
MSgt Dale Johnson
MSgt Dale Johnson
>1 y
SFC Thomas Foreman Judgemental are we? You hardly know squat about me except the small amount of information the site shares but are going to personally attack me and have grouped others with me in that attack. Many places that is called racism.
1px xxx
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>1 y
MSgt Dale Johnson you’re a mad old man telling people to get off his lawn. The small amount of information you have shared on this site reveal you to be a hypocritical partisan who sees half the country as an s enemy that must be suppressed at all costs. But you are old and we are not. We will outlast you
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