Posted on Jan 17, 2022
We have a new approach to the Army Combat Fitness Test grading scale
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 5
Jesus! I want to say I told you so. So they open up Combat Arms to females and come up with a age and gender neutral PT test, already dropped the MOS specific part and then want to change the standards for females because their pass rate sucks. Exactly what happened to the last attempt to institute a Gender Neutral test. How about quite pretending that men and women are physically equal and those jobs that require physical strength and endurance restrict to those that can actually handle it.
CPT Lawrence Cable
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. - I realized as a Captain that I wasn't going to make General. While I may have the Right to Remain Silent, when I see stupid stuff, I seldom have the ability.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
CPT Lawrence Cable - I've been guilty of the same offense. One of the reasons I retired as a major!
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Before I f'd up my knees I was a 300 on the APFT. At that time I was 5'8" and weighed 168#. When I went on the permanent profile I was a 270, did my 2.5 mile walk faster than some did their 2 mile run. I maintained 968 promo points, the cutoff was 998 for 6 years, until my left shoulder got shattered. Scored 96th percentile on the last SQT given for My MOS. Even though I was one of the best in the technical aspects of my MOS, 2 ARCOMs, when I could no longer "Play" ARMY, the MMRB put me out with 20%. The ACFT has me thinking that in the near future all Senior NCO positions are going to be manned by 250-300# 'Roid Heads. I don't think those folks "up-chain" that are pushing for it would score well on it. We don't fight by throwing Cabers, boulders, and beer kegs at the enemy, nor do we expect one man to right an overturned vehicle. Why would someone flip a large tire over and over to get it to a certain destination, when he could stand it up and roll it where it needs to go? As a teen I worked one summer at Pope field in the supply area. When an order for a C-130 tire came in I rolled that sucker through the warehouse to the dock. If the powers that be want combat fitness test, restrict it to Combat Arms MOS's, let logistics and support MOS's continue to test on general fitness, stamina, and BMI.
CSM Charles Hayden
SGT (Join to see) The winning Caber Thrower at the “Oban, Scotland Highland Games” was so muscular that he could scarcely walk. He won all of the strength events. LTC Stephen C. LTC (Join to see) Photo will not LOAD!
CPT Lawrence Cable
You don't need steroids to max out the Deadlift at 340 lbs for 100 points. The World Record for Men on the Deadlift is a bit of 1100 lbs., for Women, almost 700 lbs. The gym I used to lift at had a 1000 lbs. Club, over a thousand in 3 lifts, deadlift, squat and bench press. You needed a 500 lb deadlift to get close and there were a surprising number of people that made that club.
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