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Responses: 3
SrA John Monette
The far-right said Obama was coming for their guns. Never happened. Are they saying Biden is coming for them? Probably. Again, it will not happen.
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
>1 y
Regardless, obama was a socialist and idiot.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
The GOP is a bunch of liars.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
I can recall back in the '60's when the 4473 form was first introduced. The radicals claimed it was just the first step to total gun confiscation.
Well, here we are, 60 years later and I still have my guns. As does all other legal gun owners.
IMO, the entire "gun confiscation" conspiracy was started and continued by the NRA and perhaps even the gun producers.
Yes, there are a few extremist on the left that would like to see all guns done away with, but that is not going to happen.
Stay within the law, you can keep your guns.
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
"It is one of those things that far-right activists will use to get in the door,” said Jeff Schoep. He was once the leader of the National Socialist Movement, the largest neo-Nazi organization in the United States; now he advocates for leaving the life. “Just like illegal immigration, guns – the gun rights issue – all of these things are gateways that can be utilized.”
MSgt, The KKK, BPP and BLM types are all Marxist/socialist. Not right wing. They desire to control speech and have one party rule. Kind of like China.
The Swastika, is an ancient symbol used in a negative way by the National Socialist German workers party. It is Indo-European and most likely came from a civilization destroyed around 9500BC when the oceans elevations rose due to rapid melting Glaciers.
Anyway, as I read your posted article, I see right wing conservative groups mixed in with extreme left wing groups. Is this to control the narrative that all white folks are Socialist Nazis?
Is it any of the governments business what I own? If I am threatening, I could see an interest. But law abiding Americans are sovereign. At least, until recently.
Now, those illegal drugs coming across the southern border and the slave trade with it are a huge risk. It will cause more people of all colors to side with extreme groups based on color. But it is meant to, isn't it?
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
Listen Mark; The KKK, BPP, and BLM are not Marxist/socialist simply because you believe them to be. So up front, you are advancing from a false premise. You are exactly the kind of person that would be or is likely susceptible to the kinds of tactics illustrated in the article, and until you cast off the mantle of victimhood and stop looking for the cause of your problems outside yourself, you will likely continue to remain susceptible. No, citizens are not "sovereign", not now and not ever. Look up the definition and consider what "Rule of Law" means. As illustrated here, you are free to say any silly, backward-ass thing you want without consequence. Your first amendment rights are firmly intact. Your tenuous hold of the narrative is not the fault of anyone else, but simply a result of your poor grasp of the language, among other things. You are free to live in fear and blame if you like, but at some point you may realize you are doing it to yourself. You are not being oppressed. The only question is if you will realize and embrace that fact before you shuffle off this mortal coil.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - I posted for your review two examples of Marxist/socialist ideologies. It will help you embrace your hate MSgt. At least, it may give you a wider view and understanding how CNN misleads the low information voter.
What did you think about my info on the Swastika? The symbol was used globally. Somehow, around 7500BC to the late Bronze age this symbol made it across the globe. Interesting isn't it? Yet, does your narrow world view allow for such expansion?
Good night MSgt.

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