Posted on Dec 25, 2021
Possible Relics of Lost WWII US Bomber, Crew Found in Italy
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 6
Lt Col Charlie Brown Let's hope they can identify the crew and put closure to the families that lost these brave men.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
They've gotten pretty good at it. And now they can use recovered DNA and families DNA to connect them if needed
Cpl Vic Burk
Lt Col Charlie Brown - Other than my brothers I had no blood family members in any war in the 20th century, but I wonder, if a service member is involved in the Million Veteran Program if they would be able to use their DNA from this to help identify bodies with.
That would be hard to as a family member, for a man to be MIA for decades. We lost people in Vietnam who simply fell out of helicopters over thick jungle. They would disappear into the canopy and never be seen again. The UH-1 Huey didn’t have enough seat belts for the crew and up to a dozen passengers. We simply sat on the floor with nothing to hold onto, and when we climbed out onto the skid as we came in on the LZ, there was no step, just a round slick tube of aluminum to stand on.
I boarded a Huey once that had “Born Loser” written in white paint across its nose. I asked the pilot why he did that and he asked “If you had lost three door gunners out of your bird in the last two months, what would you call it?”
I boarded a Huey once that had “Born Loser” written in white paint across its nose. I asked the pilot why he did that and he asked “If you had lost three door gunners out of your bird in the last two months, what would you call it?”
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