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Responses: 3
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
LOL!! Wow!! A real trustworthy source. But nothing new for trumpkins.
PFC Andrew "Tommy" M.
PFC Andrew "Tommy" M.
3 y
I bet if Fauci said grass was purple you'd believe that though
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
3 y
Your ad hominem is not appreciated on my posts.
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LTC Eugene Chu
"Overall, we rate The Epoch Times Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of pseudoscience and the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, as well as numerous failed fact checks."

MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
3 y
So, another cancel culture cadet! No disrespect intended, Sir, but if the shoe fits. Incredible how someone of your stature and background can be so biased against such an obviously religion-based journalistic operation as the Epoch-Times - criticized by . . . the cancel culture LEFT. Not a surprise at all! I am old enough to remember when SECOND and sometimes THIRD opinions were sought when faced with an important medical decision. Kind of like lawyers, economists and prognosticators . . . as many say THIS as say THAT. So one must apply one's experience, wisdom and gut to come up with a best course of action. The more opinions, the better. Blind obedience is what resulted in the gallows for Nazi followers after WWII in the Nuremberg Trials. Simply following orders, or politicians, one doctor, bureaucrats or technocrats, is NOT the best course of action, especially not in a Constitutional Republic. We have basic, God given rights that are being challenged daily by people who were never elected and have no moral or ethical obligation to anyone. You can see the sources and references and research for yourself, and I hope you do. But just remember, when you argue the SOURCE and not the issue, you reveal your true motive: to control thought. My question is, would you have the intestinal fortitude to disobey an unlawful order if it came from a source you do respect?
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