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Responses: 8
MSgt Steve Sweeney
From the article - [Please note: I am not a physician. My ideas about Ivermectin are formed from reading the same information available to everyone. I also know that all drugs can be dangerous if abused. Do not take medical advice from me.] - that pretty much says it.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
3 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger - You can make whatever decision you want about your own life. Stay at home and suck down as much Ivermectin as you like (please). Chase it with some Hydroxychloroquine if you like. But don't go to a hospital and then start telling the doctors what they must prescribe. You say not to take medical advice from an article, but here you are taking, and pushing, medical advice from an article. Why have a conversation with your doctor if you are going to bitch and moan when you don't like their prescribed course of action? The whole article is how doctors (without any knowledge of the specific patients) are wrong. If you don't want to listen to the doctors, then don't, but if you are under their care then you are under their care and they are responsible for your health and the medical decisions made, to include what is or is not prescribed, and all the legal and professional consequences for bad outcomes that come along with that.

And yes, advocating for what drugs should or should not be prescribed falls under the banner of "medical advice". But in this case the advice is far less medical and far more political of the partisan variety. If you want to go to a doctor who bases his or her decisions on their political leanings, be my guest. Not my bag, and pretty much why I would never seek you out for medical advice of any kind. And GTFO here with your "Cancel Culture" bullshit while you are using Mengele's name next to Dr. Fauchi's. YOU are the only one practicing "Cancel Culture" here. Denigrating a life-long public servant because your political talking heads told you to do so. You never met, talked, or worked with the man. Your bullshit is based on second and third hand knowledge. The only thing I am out to cancel is stupidity while you do your best to keep it alive and kicking.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
3 y
I'm old enough to remember when it was par for the course to get a SECOND and sometimes THIRD opinion about important medical decisions. Having a medical and public health background myself, I can remember team and administration meetings where OPINIONS were shared between professionals in order to come up with the BEST course of action. Included in these meetings were commanders (administrators), leaders, doctors, nurses, and senior and lower enlisted NCOs, medics and corpsmen (male and female). I can't count how many times that senior NCO or lower enlisted person came up with a QUESTION that led to a remedy or best course of action.

Rally Point and other legitimate social media platforms, such as GAB and GETTR, to name a few, are open idea marketplaces, where an eclectic group of professionals can get together and discuss the issues of the day. Unfortunately, people like you would rather NOT even HEAR that second or third opinion. You would rather stay the course, accept what you're told and then go blindly over the cliff.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
3 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger - Get all the medical opinions you like and go with the one you like. That does not give you cause to tell a doctor what he must or must not prescribe. You can advise all you like, but the doctor will make the decision. If you don't like the decision, then pack sand go somewhere else. None of that has anything to do with what the article is talking whining about. If the entire hospital is refusing to prescribe something even after it has been brought to their attention, there is probably good reason. Take your Trump University medical degree elsewhere... to Mar A Lago if you like where you can suck down all the Ivermectin you can get your hands on... without a legitimate prescription.

I have heard your opinion and decided it is fucking stupid. It wasn't a difficult call to make because I have heard the very same opinion regurgitated by other right-wing talking point mills and it was as uninformed now as it was then. I respect your right to hold it, but it doesn't mean I have to agree with it, and I will exercise my free speech to say so. Do you have a problem with my right to free speech?

To be clear, my contention is that the doctor will decide what to prescribe and if you don't like it, find another doctor. If the ALL will not prescribe it, you may consider that there is a reason they decide not to do so. At that point take your life in your own hands and make your own decisions. If you decide without your medical license or degree that you know what is better for you, go do it... But do NOT sit and cry about how all the trained and educated people do not agree with your uninformed assessment even though you are so much smarter than they are ... or at least seem to think so. Grow up.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
3 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger - So have you taken your ivermectin today?
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SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
Ivermectin kills parasites by attacking the neuro transmitters paralyzing the gut and stopping the ability of the parasite to reproduce.
Ivermectin, the Republican birth control pill.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
3 y
Dear Anonymous. Read.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
3 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger oh I did but hey if you folks believe in this dewormer how about you folks just stay home and out if the hospital. Stay home take your Ivermectin, have a little bleach and shove a UV light up your backside but please stay out of the hospital to free up beds.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
3 y
Since you are anonymous and simply regurgitating a political, not medical narrative about one of the most important topics of our time I will consider you not serious.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
3 y
I like how Monty tries to frame it as you regurgitating a political narrative after he posted the OP with an article that starts with "The left's resistance...." I guess some officers simply have no personal integrity.
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SFC Randy Hellenbrand
Yes!! The left's resistance to trump stupidity is truly shameful. Sarcasm.
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