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Responses: 8
SFC Retention Operations Nco
This article is a bit misleading. The memo the Army Secretary sent out says that all Soldiers without pending or approved exemptions will be flagged and barred and in a near future date will receive General Letter or Reprimand and in a further date will be separated. The Army isn't keeping anyone, they're just moving slowly and methodically before separating Soldiers. But they've made it very clear, in that same memo as well, that Active Duty Soldiers and Reserves who refuse the vaccine will be removed, and any leader in a command position will be immediately relieved.
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SPC Margaret Higgins
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen I find this to be infinitely tragic all the way around.
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1SG Dennis Hicks
Its truly a shame that a vaccination has become so political in it's nature. So we have a man made disease that has 97% and 99.75% recovery rate amongst the general population and here we supposedly have very physical fit young men and women being used yet again for an ongoing study on the vaccinations. Then we have the CSA using a comparison of body armor to a vaccination for a man made disease with the same survivability. You don't need the best body armor to stop a BB. Very sad indeed. I think the Services realized if you dump all those that refuse so fast they would be in deep DOO DOO so they slowed their roll. Same result in the end, my youngest serving on AD weighed the good and bad of the vaccine against getting a GOMAR and tossed. He did his duty , got his shots and will be getting out along with many others who didn't and did get the required shots. The thing about a volunteer force is that one day you run low on volunteers.
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