Posted on Nov 25, 2021
Kudlow: Maximizing growth in America means minimizing government
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 3
Kudlow is one of the last people in the US that I would listen to or consider his opinion. Our history has consistently proved him wrong.
LTC (Join to see)
MSG Stan Hutchison
SGT Charlie Lee SFC Bernard Walko MAJ Ken Landgren MSG Stan Hutchison
New Jersey state Democrat just barely but this was a surprise upset. This is the writing on the wall that November is going to be a republican victory. As long as prices keep going up and stupidity keeps being maintained and responsibilities denied by this Administration, independent and moderate Democrats are going to vote in favor of Republicans. You can deny it all you want but this self inflicted wounds of Afghanistan, high prices, inflation, the president walking around lost and showing his age reflects upon the Democratic Party that is now been leftist and no longer liberal.
SGT Charlie Lee SFC Bernard Walko MAJ Ken Landgren MSG Stan Hutchison
New Jersey state Democrat just barely but this was a surprise upset. This is the writing on the wall that November is going to be a republican victory. As long as prices keep going up and stupidity keeps being maintained and responsibilities denied by this Administration, independent and moderate Democrats are going to vote in favor of Republicans. You can deny it all you want but this self inflicted wounds of Afghanistan, high prices, inflation, the president walking around lost and showing his age reflects upon the Democratic Party that is now been leftist and no longer liberal.
Glenn Youngkin: Win for Republican in Virginia governor vote
Glenn Youngkin's victory is a blow for Joe Biden, who won the state in the presidential election.
MSG Stan Hutchison
LTC (Join to see) - If you check Virginia's political history, you will see that in most elections, whatever party wins the White House, the next year they lose the governorship.
maj ken landgren You are a Commie and I'm sorry but I can no longer communicate with you.
The Trump annual GDP growth average 1% over his tenure and had higher unemployment when he left office. He also doubled the deficit each year compared to Obama's deficits. The corporate tax cuts did virtually nothing to spur the economy. Trump is not without faults, but many of u sweep it under the rug.
MAJ Ken Landgren
PO3 Edward Riddle - Such arrogance in your ignorance.
More than once, President Donald Trump has falsely claimed that the federal stockpile of emergency medicine and supplies he inherited from his predecessor was an “empty shelf.”
While the government does not publicize all of the contents of the repository, at the time Trump took office, the Strategic National Stockpile, as it is formally known, reportedly contained vast amounts of materials that state and local health officials could use during an emergency, including vaccines, antiviral drugs, ventilators and protective gear for doctors and nurses.
He had to build up reserves and that was a priority? Then why did Trump wait until late March to procure PPEs when doctors and nurses were washing their PPEs because none were forthcoming.
Look Trump lied about the pandemic threat for weeks. You think that was proper? He told the federal government to create a pandemic Task Force in the middle of March. The successful countries planned and executed in February. Let me guess you will claim there was no plan left by Obama?
It is you who is ignorant of the facts but you are so utterly brazen about it. You can be a proud Trump supporter, but you know squat like many other Trump supporters. Man people like you should hide under the rocks from where you came from. You have no clue what the truth is.
Since you know everything, do you even know what agency is supposed to provide overarching leadership to the the National Disaster Task Force?
More than once, President Donald Trump has falsely claimed that the federal stockpile of emergency medicine and supplies he inherited from his predecessor was an “empty shelf.”
While the government does not publicize all of the contents of the repository, at the time Trump took office, the Strategic National Stockpile, as it is formally known, reportedly contained vast amounts of materials that state and local health officials could use during an emergency, including vaccines, antiviral drugs, ventilators and protective gear for doctors and nurses.
He had to build up reserves and that was a priority? Then why did Trump wait until late March to procure PPEs when doctors and nurses were washing their PPEs because none were forthcoming.
Look Trump lied about the pandemic threat for weeks. You think that was proper? He told the federal government to create a pandemic Task Force in the middle of March. The successful countries planned and executed in February. Let me guess you will claim there was no plan left by Obama?
It is you who is ignorant of the facts but you are so utterly brazen about it. You can be a proud Trump supporter, but you know squat like many other Trump supporters. Man people like you should hide under the rocks from where you came from. You have no clue what the truth is.
Since you know everything, do you even know what agency is supposed to provide overarching leadership to the the National Disaster Task Force?
Trump Falsely Claims He Inherited 'Empty' Stockpile -
More than once, President Donald Trump has falsely claimed that the federal stockpile of emergency medicine and supplies he inherited from his predecessor was an “empty shelf.”
PO3 Edward Riddle
You guys always throw out these left leaning fact checkers that are nothing more than communist propaganda. Boy, talk about ignorance. You couldn't think for yourself if you had to.
MAJ Ken Landgren
PO3 Edward Riddle - You sir are a fucking idiot. I don't have time for imbeciles like you. So you believe Trump and the GOP? Considering how much they lied, you give them credibility by accepting their lies.
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