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Responses: 5
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Make police the criminals...destroy public trust in the law...take weapons from law abiding citizens...defund police resulting in retirements and resignations....what could possibly go wrong?
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
3 y
Lt Col Charlie Brown Is the US following the course of a Banana Republic nation? Lt Col Charlie Brown A Banana Republic government includes:
> an Authoritarian regime characterized by corruption and economic exploitation by foreign corporations conspiring with local government officials;
> an exploitative government that functions poorly for its citizenry while disproportionately benefiting a corrupt elite group or individual.”
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PO2 Builder
Whatever happened to Law and Order?
SFC Retired
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
It ran from 1990-2010. I quit watching when Jerry Orbach died.
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
3 y
Re-runs are still on WE tv I think. I don't watch the victim unit shows though.
PO1 John Johnson
PO1 John Johnson
3 y
No longer necessary or even on the table, according to the Left.
PO1 John Johnson
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MSG Greg Kelly
I think I read it but there was a report that stated crime in the US is up 600% that is crazy. And the Dems and liberals keep trying to take away our means of protection. Cops, Guns and Rights I do not understand. I have my own ROE I rehearse in my head walk away (if I can and I cannot run) Use my baton if I can get it out, knife if its real close and we are scuffling. Use my side arm if I am backed into a corner or there are more than one. I go to the range at least 3 times a week and I practice controlled pairs as a matter of habit from 10 yrds to point shooting. I hope I never have to hurt another human being but if I am left with no choice, I will do what I have too.
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