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Responses: 5
SPC Terry Page
I suggest we give all the main-stream media "Journalists" a post-grad "Real-World Accuracy-in-Reporting" test. Since virtually all of them would fail, there Journalism credentials would be rubber-stamped with an appropriate disclaimer (e.g. "Probbie"; "Wanna-Be"; 'Toy"; "Pseudo" etc.) They would be required to state clearly, as a lead in to their broadcast or in their by-line the disclaimer stamped on their journalistic credentials.

They are not in the business of journalism; they are in the business of trapping/capturing eyeballs and attention to bolster a platforms ratting which translates thru advertising into revenue. Principals owning, controlling and operating these entities use them to help or hinder agendas they care about.

Whatever news that's feed through this machine is spun, altered, added, or removed. as needed to fulfill the agenda. Viewers/Subscribers/Users are nothing but eyeballs.
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
3 y
Here you go @SFC Kelly Fuerhoff, try not to be such an idiot. CBS reports he was a convicted felon: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/atlanta-airport-accidental-discharge-firearm-travel/
SPC Terry Page
SPC Terry Page
3 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff My rant has nothing to do with Redstate.com, or for that matter, this particular item about the Atlanta Airport Discharge. I was calling out the general state of journalism (rather the lack of it) in today’s cable/broadcast and broadsheet print media.

For the last half-century I’ve watched the steady decline of journalistic ethics as to the point we no longer have a “Free-Press” where the public can draw factual, in-context information from which we can make our own well-reasoned opinion.

Growing up, mostly in metropolitan and suburban communities we always had at least two major papers that seemed to naturally balance-out what little bias they dared to show. Broadcast television and radio actually had a code of ethics that was periodically shown or heard on the airways. There was a National Association of Broadcasters (trade organization) and they all subscribed to it.

For the last several decades we’ve had the mainlining of the internet and the introduction of Blogs and Social-Media. These have become the wells of “news” for many, but the water is tainted and by comparison would make Flint, Michigan’s water issues look trivial.

Advocacy Journalism has no place in a free society because it is not journalism… it’s opinion Label it as such, and carry on. We can form our own reasoned-opinion; all we need are facts and context and we’ll figure it out.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
3 y
Brad - So you call me out but you have me blocked? Typical. I never said that they were incorrect in THIS article. I said they are RARELY accurate. So maybe before you call someone an idiot you learn how to f*in read.
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
3 y
Or give you trumpkins the ability to tell the truth from trump's lies. LOL!!!
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SFC Retired
Funny how they keep calling it “accidental”.

If you lose your license because you drank and drove, and you get in your car and drink and drive and hit another car, it isn’t an accident.

If you’re a felon who can’t own a firearm and you put it in your carryon bag, and you get caught, and you lunge into the bag, and the weapon goes off, it isn’t an accident. The firearm went off while in the commission of another felony. If one of those panicking had died in the stampede it would be murder.

When you put all the pieces in place you can’t claim surprise when something like this happens.
CWO4 Terrence Clark
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PO1 Kevin Dougherty
Am I surprised? Not at all.
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