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Responses: 3
PFC David Foster
Why not teach the truth?
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
3 y
PFC David Foster - There was a Theory of spontaneous generation. You can develop a theory based on bias. My experience and history simply says he is wrong. You and the author of critical race theory can spin it how you want. Karl Marx had an economic theory that didn’t work and resulted in the death of 100 million people over 100 years. Critical race theory is based on Marx theories .
PFC David Foster
PFC David Foster
3 y
LTC David Brown - If you base a theory on bias, then it is a lie, it is no longer a theory. A theory is an established model for why or how a given phenomenon occurs – it is an explanation of observed regularities. The terms "established" and "observed regularities" are important here. Theories are developed based on observing similar outcomes over and over again.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
3 y
PFC David Foster - so is Karl Marx theory fact? It really doesn’t work and isn’t supported by history, so what is your point. Critical race theory bogus like communism. Believe what you want. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marxism.asp
PFC David Foster
PFC David Foster
3 y
LTC David Brown - Why do you keep bringing up Marxism? It doesn't have anything whatsoever to do with Critical Race Theory. Nothing at all.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
Wait. Now I am confused. Because all of those politicians and journalists said it isn't happening.

And I should trust our elected officials because they would never lie to the public. And I should trust journalists, because they, of course, thoroughly vet and verify their reporting before they put out stories. So, of course, we *know* that CRT is not being taught in schools.

But then.... wow. Those snapshots certainly make it SEEM like CRT is happening in public K12 schools. Almost as if it is even part of established curricula and lesson plans, not just a tangent a teacher might go on. But... but that can't be right, can it? I mean... gosh. It is so hard to figure out what is real.

Please tell me.... they didn't..... the politicians and main stream didn't.... they didn't LIE did they? Like, for political gain or to push a false narrative? They wouldn't *do* something like that!
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LTC David Brown
Great share, good for you
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