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Responses: 2
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
Well, the Old Testament, which is still the Bible, says to go out and stone those who don't agree with you.
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
That is what Lucifer stated and 1/3 of the Heavenly Hosts followed Lucifer.
When the Word made flesh was murdered on a cross and rose from the dead, Old Scratch knew it was Checkmate in the argument on G-d's laws. What was it Old Knob stated? "G-d's laws keep us from ascending to a higher creation."
G-d did not destroy the most beautiful and smartest creature ever created. G-d showed his laws are righteous. How did he do that? "G-d so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son to be a Holy sacrifice for sin. So, no one would perish. Sin, something people tell themselves does not exist.
I wish all of you out there denigrating Christ the best of luck. You will need it come judgement day. What will you use to cover your sins? Your works? Your deeds?
As an imperfect creature, I have earned eternal damnation away from the Creator. My only hope is G-d sees me through the perfect blood of Christ.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
Cpl Mark A. Morris - Gee, and I thought that the Bible meant what it said, that the passage was a taunt towards the King of Babylon, since it mentions him, and does not talk about Lucifer at all.

Besides, you and I both know that the Bible is the assertion, not the proof.

Finally, for me to believe that your "god" is good, you would have to explain why your "god" supports slavery and genocide, after you demonstrate that it even exists, of course.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
3 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - We have gone over this.
Slavery is not G-d doing. It is mankind's doing. Old Knob is Lord of this world system. Even though Christ won the deed back that Adam lost.
The Nephilim are not fully human. The are half. The other half is what a lot call Ancient Alien. Christians call them 200 fallen Angels that married all they choose from the daughters of men.
Didn't G-d tell Adam he would bring a savior into the world? So, Satan knew he had to pollute the gene pool.
Notice how all the Apostles went to their death as martyrs except one who died in prison on an island. They could have recanted and saved themselves. But I guess they saw something the made them believe. The miracles perhaps? How many witnesses does it take to prove a case in a court of Law? Two?
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
Cpl Mark A. Morris - All of the 9/11 hijackers also died as martyrs to their faith, too, so what?

Are you saying that a god who could tell you not to eat bacon or shrimp, was too weak to tell people not to own other people as property?

Is there a reason that you're changing the subject from the Bible passage that refers to Babylon, and not Lucifer as you claimed?
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
3 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - I am not changing the argument. I have read both discussions on the issue.
The hijackers murdered. I do not recall Christ telling his Disciples to murder and rape. Muhammad on the other hand...
What part of "How have you fallen from Heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning... is not referring to Old Scratch?
Anyway, you will not change your thought process on anything I write. So, what is the point of our conversation? Other than for others to read different sides of the argument.
I support your right to believe as you wish. What does your logic inform you? That a storm came up and assembled a Jumbo Jet? That is the odds of you evolving from a snail. Or, whatever.
We do not know each other, but I get the impression you are a lot smarter than the posts you make. This world situation is our making. We sowed the wind. Now, we sow the whirlwind. In spades.
G-d will put an end to all the murder and hate soon IMO. Mankind will be given a short time to rule himself. When a large crisis happens and you witness the rise of a man of peace who misleads the nations, do not wet your Neon green Brazilin T-back. You will know what is happening and you will have a couple of years to decide if you will take the make of the Beast.
What are all those Military videos being released to the public on Hypersonic craft moving at 90 degree turns for? I bet those space brothers are not really space brothers. But a supernatural event will require a supernatural explanation.
My brother blames G-d for everything. I do not intend to live for eternity without him. So, I asked G-d to leave me here when he takes the true Church out of this time and space. When the event happens, and I think it will soon, contact me and you can be Capt. of the team. Please make sure you use your extensive Lawyer monies to have a solid H-harness with equipment, at least a medium Alice backpack, one evil black gun with extra clips (that goes on your H-harness) side arm, MRE's... Don't forget your walker. Put some new tennis balls on it too.
I have no idea why I care about you. It is something I will have to ponder on.
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