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Responses: 3
LTC David Brown
Makes my heart sad! Brave men. Biden insured the Taliban had the weapons to destroy any pockets of resistance in Afghanistan.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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3 y
Yes President Biden did. I will never be able to forgive him for the actions he took here. I feel shame I just can't shake.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Disgraceful. We left them without adequate assistance
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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3 y
We trained them to rely on air support, and then we yanked it away from them. The officials who ordered this need to pay!
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MAJ Ken Landgren
We were pulling out. Pulling out does not mean leaving air assets and personnel behind.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 y
Why would you assume that I might mischaracterize the Taliban? Are you implying I am too stupid to know better? That effing stupid?

What Americans were left behind? Did you tell us the Afghan government would fall in 11 days of a Taliban offensive? Did you know when we left our bases that gave the Taliban more freedom to maneuver? Did you know that the Afghan military would not fight? Did you know that the Taliban will essentially waltz into the major cities to take control of them? I don't recall any of you predicting those strategic changes or conditions.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 y
Keep talking. You have valid points. GySgt Dawson Webb
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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3 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - Why did YOU use the word “stupid”? You then insinuate I called you stupid. There is absolutely no justification for President Biden issuing the orders he did leaving behind Americans, Green card Holders, and our Allies. You have no excuses for his conduct other than to feign outrage at a name you weren’t called. How sad. Yes, I said sad. We all know the Taliban were making gains in Afghanistan from the beginning of the summer and it wasn’t looking good. Our Leadership were lying to our peoepl about the situation. Was there scum in the Afghanistan Military? You bet! Were there good peoepl in the Afghanistan Military? Also, you bet! The question isn’t about individual virtue, it’s about our Country’s policy and promises to a people. This isn’t mentioning the Americans and Green Card holders we left behind. How sad for us to try to make justifications for these actions.

Here is an interesting article from MSNBC, NOT FOX, for you to digest. This action by President Biden, basically the desertion of Afghanistan, is a stain on our nation’s honor that we will not live down in our lifetime. Don’t you understand that? Maybe not.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 y
Blame Biden. I don’t care. There were many hands in the pot, not just Biden’s. I am done beating this dead horse. SFC (Join to see)
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