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SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
Utter BS. What we saw were a bunch of traitorous and seditious right wing ass hats. Every one of them that participated and supported the attack including Trump embers of the US Jiuse and Senate should be tried, convicted and executed for the traitors they are.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
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SPC Joseph Kopac There was no rigged election.
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"Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday."

Nope! Nothing to see here. We got what we wanted and the rest of you are wankers for believing the election was stolen and/or rigged. Yes - WE can impeach a sitting President for it but ya'll don't have a leg to stand on. Biden is your president. Get over it.

(Can I pass a Liberal yet?)
PFC David Foster
PFC David Foster
>1 y
I can understand Hillarys emotion considering she beat Trump by 3 or 4 million popular votes, but Trump lost by 7 million popular votes....
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The thing that was irksome is the false allegations dogged Trump for the entire time he was POTUS. Investigations, slandering via the MSMs and social media, comedians holding up a bloody decapitated head of DT, impeachments and outright disrespect from the Speaker of the House. It was a full court press 4 year smear campaign lead by the old guard democrats and RINOs.

Tis the opposite with the current POTUS. Everyone is covering for him and it is still a full court press smear campaign against anyone that disagrees.

Something in the kitchen is rotten to the core. We keep saying "drain the swamp" thinking it is these old timer politicians. Hell, they are just the banyan trees sticking out above the swamp! The swamp is comprised of all those federal bureaus that cannot justify their existence yet still exist. Not appointed by anyone!
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LTC Eugene Chu
"But a review of the federal charges against the alleged rioters shows that they did come armed, and with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs."

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Not a single insurrection charge. And I don't think there has been much in the way of assault and battery charges either. Holy shit! You are typing on a keyboard! You are armed! I saw how effective a keyboard can be in several movies!

Being armed for self defense is a 1st Amendment Right. Oh wait. These guys are - how was it put - "traitorous and seditious right wing ass hats". Keep screaming as you watch one brick then next crumble away from your selected storyline.
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MSgt Steve Sweeney - You are now blocked. Since the only thing I've ever gotten from you is personal attacks - well - you have NO value in my life. Take your bot responses elsewhere.
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PFC David Foster
I believe it will be, they are going to keep working their way up to Trump...
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I dunno. I know what their target is. They failed to impeach him on those exact charges and they still hate him. As in out of their mind, blind, unreasoning hatred.

I believe this is just more of the political Kabuki theater. All these grand investigations and what are the results? One or two minor players found guilty, do a few months in jail, get out and write books. i.e.: Status Quo unchanged!
PFC David Foster
PFC David Foster
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SSgt (Join to see) - I don't really hate Trump, I just think he was guilty last time when the Republicans wouldn't allow witnesses and I think he is guilty of insurrection... Everybody in America saw him lead those people to try to overtake the Capital. I don't think it is fair that anyone should be above the law... If they can get some proof on Hunter Biden, if he is guilty of more than being stoned, I think they should jail him too.... I don't think there is any proof on Hunter... yes, I think he is a drug addict, but I don't think he did anything else wrong.... I might be wrong, I hope the proof comes out on everybody.... It's nice to see real justice occasionally.
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PFC David Foster - While I disagree on DT leading people in an insurrection (nor will I sink into the argument that could come out of this statement), the rest I 100% agree with. Not one single political person has been held responsible for crimes known and unknown in decades. Or if they have been held responsible it is extremely rare they do serious time behind bars.

I find it interesting that you and I could make a list of politicians along with the crimes we believe they have committed and dump in a whole bunch of "evidence" then compare the 2 lists and discover that 1/2 or more do NOT match. lol That is proof enough for me to know politicians are corrupt and we tend to blind ourselves based on the team we are on. Independents seem to have a 3rd view but the moment you say "not guilty" for a party opposed to yours that 3rd party independent is all of a sudden a conservative or liberal (depending on your team).
PFC David Foster
PFC David Foster
>1 y
SSgt (Join to see) - Well said.
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