Posted on Sep 26, 2021
Taliban, After Praise From Biden Admin, Hang Man In Town Square; Pin Note To Chest | The Daily...
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
The Taliban, Al Qaeda, & ISIS are basically practicing an ancient form of Islam Fundamentalism, which dates back to about the 1400's or earlier... and include stoning, decapitation, mutilation and more to control their my view... Perhaps I am wrong, though... Whatever they say that seems above board, they are coming after those who do not believe... Heaven help the world...
GySgt Thomas Vick
Amen to that Sgt. Harkins, and we can start thanking Obama, Biden, Kerry, Clinton's, AOC, Ohmar, Waters, Pelosi, and a whole bunch of Dumporats for it.
SSG Bill McCoy
Totally agree with you both Sgt (Join to see) and GySgt Thomas Vick. Not only have we abandoned friends who willingly helped us in Afghanistan, but those we've brought into the country have very likely not been properly vetted.
I remember when I was TDY to Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA for the Vietnamese refugees ... several who I met, openly stated that they had been with the Viet Cong; but at least we knew that most were conscripts and had little/no choice, AND we were reasonably certain, they would not bring war to us here! Not so much, I think, with the Afghans. Then too, we know many muslims have come in through our [non-existant] Southern Border!
I remember when I was TDY to Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA for the Vietnamese refugees ... several who I met, openly stated that they had been with the Viet Cong; but at least we knew that most were conscripts and had little/no choice, AND we were reasonably certain, they would not bring war to us here! Not so much, I think, with the Afghans. Then too, we know many muslims have come in through our [non-existant] Southern Border!
LT Brad McInnis
Sgt (Join to see) They are all different flavors of the same anti-West, America hating people.
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