Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
Hurricanes have had a huge impact on Texas residents for a long as anyone ca remember. One hit the coastal settlement of Indianola in the late 19th century and wiped it off the map. No one knows how many people lost their lives because only very poor records of settlements were maintained then. The missus’ great-grandpa came over from Germany in 1848 at the age of 24 to learn cattle-raising and landed at Indians on Matagorda Bay and was instructed by the ship’s captain to walk NW, following the corse of a big river. He was told their was a town called Victoria only a few day’s walk, and coulask folks there if they knew anyone who raised cattle and might need a helping hand. He was directed to a ranch own by a German immigrat named Kleberg who might give him a job. The man’s ranch was about 25 miles west of Victoria near a little community called Cuero. And so Frederick Albrecht began walking west and after two and a half days, found the village called Cuero, and after asking people there where he might find Herr Kleberg, was directed to a cattle ranch owned by Mr Kleberg,. He found the place and introduced himself to the owner and asked if Mr Kleberg might need any help on his ranch. Frederick was welcomed Mr Kleberg and brought him into his own house, where he could stay and take his meals and the ladies of the household would teach him to speak English and Spanish. Frederick lived with Klebergs for several years and used his meager wages to pay for his brothers to come from Germany. In all, he paid the cost of all six of his brothers to come over. In the meantime, he was introduced to a young German girl, whom he courted and married. The couple would eventually have ten children and built their own ranch on the banks of a creek about 15 miles south of Cuero. They helped other families found a Lutheran church about six miles north of their ranch and Frederick used his own oxen to haul building materials for it. Below are two photos of St Peter’s church cemetery and a single photo of the Albrecht Ranch homestead, where the missus was raised and where she lived with her mom and dad and three siblings until she was 18 years old.
SGT Mary G.
1LT Voyle Smith Awesome family history to actually know - and interesting. So many know little about a generation or two prior to their own.
1LT Voyle Smith
Thanks but I’m muttering about the seaport on Matagorda Bay. It was called Indianola. Nothing stands there now but a bait stand and no one lives there due to its vulnerability to big storms.
1LT Voyle Smith
I failed to mention that St Peter’s church cemetery is where Frederick Albrecht is buried. He was recruited to the Texas Mounted Militia to help fight the Comanches who were raiding ranches and settlements in the area. The militia became known as the Texas Rangers and we now have a welded cross that we need to install beside Frederick‘a grave.That was obtained for us by a retired Texas Ranger who lives close by to us here in Boerne Texas. The photo below shows the welded cross standing against the wall in our garage. 1LT Voyle Smith
I rode out Hurricane Ivan in Pensacola, 140 mph winds and torrential rain, a big tree fell right on my neighbors house and they came to my house in the middle of the night in need of shelter (with 9 cats and two dogs lol).
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