Posted on Sep 18, 2021
Sarah Palin Says She’s Not Vaccinated Because She Believes ‘In Science’
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
LTC Eugene Chu Caribou Barbie is a Moron and Wouldn't Know Science if it Bit Her in the Ass! Take it from One that was a lot Closer to Russia then She ever was.
MSgt Dale Johnson
There have been studies that find people still have a natural immunity after recovery from COVID, and what does the closeness to Russia have anything to do with it?
So? It is her choice to get or not to get vaccinated regardless of what anyone says. There has been scientific studies done that shows people still have anti-bodies 9+ months after recovery from COVID.
MSgt (Join to see)
So, when science does not fit the liberal bullshit agenda, it’s not science. Got it. Anthony Logan
LTC David Brown
Anthony Logan - actually it seems natural immunity s more robust than vaccine induced immunity.
Anthony Logan
LTC David Brown - Having been sick offers you some degree of immunity, true, but it's still always advisable to get vaccinated. See here

Reduced Risk of Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 After COVID-19...
This report describes COVID-19 reinfection among vaccinated and unvaccinated persons in Kentucky.
The Huffington Compost. Anything published in this Left Wing Propoganda Rag about anyone that is not a Liberal is questionable. Specifically, just nine percent of adults in the United States view the Huffington Post as a very credible source of political news and information, according to a survey held in May 2021.
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