Posted on Sep 16, 2021
North Korea Says It Tested Rail-Launched Ballistic Missiles
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
As they burst into the 19th Century. It is pathetic. North Korea blew it. They had a plan for industrialization but it was stolen by Vietnam.
SSG Robert Mark Odom Upping their Game? Unfortunately Rail Launched Ballistic Missile is Quite Old School at this Point.
CW3 Kevin Storm
Remember what the IRA said to Margret Thatcher? We only have to get lucky once, you have to be lucky every day. Same with missiles, we only have so many interceptors out there, they only need one more than what we have to stop them.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
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CW3 Kevin Storm - I Know Nothing of the IRA, Never Mind that Big Pete McCarthy was My Sponsor at Confirmation, We''ll Ignore that I was raised in the Catholic Irish/German Community of Cincinnati, We'll Ignore the IRA "Simulated" an Assassination on Me and My Team to please Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi. If You try and Kill Me and Fail My Friends will Make Sure You Die and I Get to Watch. Just the Nature of Our Game.
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