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Responses: 8
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
You want to go places, GET VACCINATED! It's really simple folks. Others don't need the possibility of getting sick because you're an idiot.
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
3 y
I can say it better, we better start acknowledging peoples rights before you call people names simply because they don't agree with you. You have your point, they have their point. Personally I got vaccinated so I could travel as my job depends on my ability to travel. But its a personal choice. If we don't stop calling people names because they don't agree with you, well, this won't end well. So yes, be responsible, all of you be responsible.
SFC James Cameron
SFC James Cameron
3 y
So you hold the same amount of zeal for detaining those caught crossing into our country illegally until they’ve had all their vaccinations? Polio, MMR, Chickenpox, Smallpox… if not then your logic is both biased and flawed.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
3 y
SFC James Cameron Ya I do but the border crisis became one the day after Biden was sworn in. How is it fine one day and a crisis the next?
SFC James Cameron
SFC James Cameron
3 y
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Sir, the issues regarding the situation with a porous border did have a partial, working solution. There is no way one can completely stop or prevent it especially after having lived in El Paso and seen as what passes for a boundary.
What I think you’re asking about is a self inflicted problem that stems from failure to execute immigration law. So a complete policy reversal will absolutely cause a crisis literally overnight. We watched it happen.
What I was getting at was to question whether you hold the same level of fervor and conviction in your point of view to hold the same standard to a completely different group of people as you do other Americans.
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SrA John Monette
I agree. Vaccination should be mandatory for those flying. That's a lot of people breathing recirculated air.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
3 y
SPC Randy Torgerson - Cleaner than wal mart isn't saying much. Just because someone has a negative test does not mean they are 100% uninfected.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
3 y
CWO4 Terrence Clark - I'm vaccinated. My entire family is vaccinated. We wear masks. That doesn't mean there isn't still a miniscule chance of us getting infected.
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
3 y
SrA John Monette - Being vaccinated also does not mean your not infected.....
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
3 y
SPC Randy Torgerson - I'm aware of that. Read my response to Chief Clark.
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MAJ Program Technician
I don't have an opinion one way or another on this. I don't think it's necessary, but I do think everyone who is able should be vaccinated.

Here's a 2014 review of the legality of mandatory vaccinations if anyone is interested:
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