Posted on Sep 6, 2021
Biden and the Left-wing Standard of Attacking Presidents › American Greatness
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
It's the do as I say not as I do politics the left uses to destroy and remove anyone that doesn't fit with what they believe to be true. What I find totally hypocritical on the liberals is that they tried twice to convict Trump of the dumbest things. They also wanted doctors to declare him unfit for office - all of which blew up in their faces. Yet, here we have President Biden who cannot put a complete sentence together and has managed to destroy whatever momentum we had in our Republic under Trump. Where are those same liberals who swore they were upholding the laws and the Constitution when they did those things to Trump. I ask anyone that votes Democrat to look at what's happening in our Republic and tell me this is what they truly voted for.
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