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Responses: 8
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
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CWO4 Terrence Clark
LTC Eugene Chu
Wonderful. A group of government imitation mall cops, who failed at their job, who are protected from lawsuits themselves, who murdered an unarmed, 115lb, female veteran are now trying to lay down a lawsuit smoke screen to cover up their own failures. SSG (Join to see) PO1 Robert P. MAJ Ken Landgren
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
3 y
Capt Gregory Prickett
You are wrong. Down vote that!
SSG (Join to see) PO1 Robert P. SFC Bernard Walko
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
3 y
Capt Gregory Prickett Help me understand this counselor. As Ms Babbit's self appointed prosecutor, your argument is that since Babbitt - in your opinion - was a domestic terrorist who was shot at almost point blank range by this rogue cop (my depiction) (we now know is Lt. Michael Byrd) because - based on your conjecture - he thought she might be carrying explosives in her backpack? Your contention is that people retroactively labeled as domestic terrorists, can be proactively shot by police? Unless you are privey to video or testimony that is not in the public arena, we are all working from the same information. Both video angles I have seen shows Babbitt on the outside of the door within arms reach of at least two Capitol police who appear alert but relaxed. Neither made movement to impede her struggle to fit through a narrow window. There were at least two officers standing inside the door with Byrd, without drawn side arms. All were within arms length of Babbitt who had her head and torso in the broken window. She had trapped herself in that narrow opening. Either of those officers could simply have pushed down on her head and immobilized her. Only one of all those officers chose to employ deadly force. What guidance do capitol police have for use of deadly force? Who was in imminent danger? The videos show a clear hallway. The other officers present seemed not feel a deadly force atmosphere..
What trained policeman would shoot a person suspected of carrying explosives in a confined space with a least five policemen in arms length?

Actually, we have some insight based on Byrd's interview on NBC. Byrd admitted in so many words that he never knew nor cared if she was armed. He claims he was protecting the Capitol building. We authorize deadly force now to protect buildings? Further, it turns out that this clown is the same clown who left his loaded sidearm in a public toilet. Reportedly, he bragged he would not be reprimanded over that because of his position. Counselor, in MY opinion, YOUR opinion will not wash until you can get over the "justified use of deadly force" hump when the only shooter, the only drawn side arm, among several officers in close proximity, is some rogue who cannot even safeguard his own weapon. As it happens neither of us will have other than opinions so long as Democrats retain power. The facts. The videos. Hidden.
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
3 y
SFC Bernard Walko
I need to spend more time monitoring this site, and less time in my shop working on the new boat I'm building (18ft Redwing). Anyway, I just responded to Capt Gregory Prickett on this. I heard a some of it on the radio and my wife hoppered it (Dish talk) so I will watch the entirety shortly. But, from those portions I heard, I have to wonder at his atty's strategy.
My last position was at a prison. We have back the blue stickers on every flat surface (maybe a little hyperbole). To this day, go to the annual Sheriff's Ball.
But the more we hear about this Capitol Police group, the more sure I am that I should apologize to Mall Cops everywhere for the comparison.
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SSG Environmental Specialist
Won't stand up in court, just another law suit going no where.
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