Posted on Aug 25, 2021
Defense Secretary Orders US Troops to Quickly Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
So, why couldn't this embarrassment of a secretary move that fast on Taliban movement intel?
SPC David S.
Some will understand my f'ed up sense of humor others not so much.
Of course the military can't do it by Aug 31st (Taliban deadline). That would mean they had a solid plan to mass vaccinate some 400,000 troops especially knowing the date when the FDA would approve the vaccines.
It top brass designed such a plan it would consist of leaving 100,000 vaccine doses with two needles in a foreign country with no personal to administer the shots.
Of course the military can't do it by Aug 31st (Taliban deadline). That would mean they had a solid plan to mass vaccinate some 400,000 troops especially knowing the date when the FDA would approve the vaccines.
It top brass designed such a plan it would consist of leaving 100,000 vaccine doses with two needles in a foreign country with no personal to administer the shots.
MAJ (Join to see)
They could just tell all reservists go get a covid shot and submit your voucher and 1380. Wouldn’t surprise me. Wouldn’t be the first time a reservist has been told to figure &$@“ out on your own and get it done by X date. SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
SPC David S. I think you overestimate the differences between your comment and the usual low IQ nonsense usually posted here.
Intentional face palms and unintentional face palms do a wonderful job of masquerading as each other.
Intentional face palms and unintentional face palms do a wonderful job of masquerading as each other.
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