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Responses: 4
CPT Jack Durish
I am ashamed of America. Sure, President Biden is incompetent and cognitively impaired, but that is nothing new. He didn't spring from hiding. He has been engaged in "public service" for more than 47 years. Even President Obama warned that "Never under estimate Joe's ability to screw up things." So whose fault is it? Ours. We the People have the government we deserve...
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
3 y
I mostly agree. I do not believe we have the government we voted for though. Without even trying to dig into a stolen election, what I mean is the Swamp! And what is the swamp? It is the extremely heavy, and long entrenched non-elected government jobs numbering in the hundreds of thousands. While each new POTUS will shuffle the heads of these departments, bureaus, etc, the overall body does not change. These are the people that actually steer policy on the hill - doing all the "grunt work" to write Bills, research opponents, shape narratives, etc. And this swamp - we definitely did NOT vote all of those people in. And we cannot force our representatives to REPRESENT WE THE PEOPLE.

And this is why I believe we will see violence, massive violence, before we will ever get back to our great experiment. Unfortunately.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
3 y
SSgt (Join to see) - Keep up the hate speech and your confirmation bias for Civil War will come to it's fruition. It didn't bother you when Trump disowned 1/2 the USA.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
If he can find it.
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CWO3 Us Marine
If you are ashamed of the USA, there are plenty of right wing monarchies to choose from. Stop by Arlington Section 60 and piss on as many graves possible on the way out. I'm ashamed of "fair weather AMCITs" especially Vets.
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