Posted on Aug 19, 2021
Giant Hurricane Forms Over Washington From White House Spinning Afghanistan Story
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Using a Hurricane as a symbol of the chaos we are experiencing over the debacle created by Joe Biden and his administration seems apropos! I might have used an F5 Tornado, but that is splitting hairs! Pulling our troops out of Afghanistan after announcing it to the world, which also includes our enemies, is something a smart Country does not do!!! You never tell your opposition what you are doing or going to do... And yet this administration does that, and General Mark Miley is surprised at what happened by the Taliban... There was little or no consideration for all the American Citizens working and living in Afghanistan, and plans to get them out safely before exfiltrating our military... Closing the Bagram Air Base was also a catastrophic move by the administration, leaving only the Afghanistan government's Kabul Airport to move our citizens out to safety... I have never seen such a Political Debacle like this in my entire lifetime...
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