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Responses: 8
LTC Stephen F.
Thank you my friend MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. for making us aware that per militarytimes.com that the USAF has launched an investigation after human remains were found in the wheel well of a C-17 Globemaster III after desperate Afghans mobbed the transport human remains were found in the wheel well of a C-17 Globemaster III after desperate Afghans mobbed the transport.
Human remains were found in the wheel well of a U.S. military aircraft that departed Kabul on Monday as hundreds of Afghans scrambled towards the plane seeking a way out. It was the same plane featured in viral videos of Afghans clamoring to get on board.

FYI Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. LTC (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG Franklin BriantSPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D SGT James Murphy SPC Michael Terrell SPC Michael Oles SR SSG Samuel Kermon MGySgt (Join to see)SPC Steve Irvine1LT Voyle SmithGySgt Jack Wallace CSM (Join to see) LTC David Brown Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Maj Marty Hogan SMSgt David A Asbury
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Apparently someone hid in the wheel well of the plane when it was on the ground in Kabul
“Before the aircrew could offload the cargo, the aircraft was surrounded by hundreds of Afghan civilians who had breached the airport perimeter,” Stefanek said. “Faced with a rapidly deteriorating security situation around the aircraft, the C-17 crew decided to depart the airfield as quickly as possible.”
SGM Retired
SGM (Join to see)
3 y
Can't say I blame them.
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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
That had also happened when Vietnam was being evacuated and people had died clinging to the wheel wells of the landing gear. I can remember one actually made it into the air and died from freezing to death. Once again a complete panic knowing if they remained changes were very good they would be murdered. Biden and the Democrats were responsible for that in Vietnam and are doing it again in Afghanistan. History does repeat itself when the lessons are not learned and ignored.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
3 y
The rotten scumbags in charge deserve a taste of their own medicine . . .
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
3 y
I saw the video with at least two poor souls falling from a C-17 hundreds of feet to their death. Reminded me immediately of 9/11 and the poor souls who had the choice of burning to death or trying to climb down a 1200 foot tall building. This NEO had to have been planned for years, but the gutless wonders in power in Washington DC didn't have the cojones to execute it until the Taliban forced their hand. All they care about is their own power and spending money to buy votes from their favored groups. This is sick.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
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