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Responses: 1
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
That didn't take long to debunk:

https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking [login to see] 07

"The author, Seth Keshel, identifies himself on LinkedIn as a tech company sales manager and former baseball analyst but does not identify any election experience. His report acknowledges that the state-by-state tallies of “excess votes” for Biden are “lenient” estimates that demand further research, but frequently repeats the false claim that the numbers suggest fraud.

Harvard University political scientist Gary King reviewed the report and previously reviewed similar election claims from Keshel as part of a lawsuit in Arizona. In both situations, King said, the data showed no evidence of fraud and ignored the reality that voters act in ways that don’t match up with predictive modeling.

“There is zero valuable academic information here,” King told the AP. “Voters, they’re allowed to do what they want. They surprise us. It’s incredible hubris to imagine your model is always right. That’s just crazy.”

University of Georgia political scientist and pollster Trey Hood reviewed the report and came to the same conclusion."

What's this bs about "asking the Taliban for help?" Did you forget it was Trump who met with only the Taliban for the "peace" accord? It was Trump who invited only the Taliban to Camp David. Never included the Afghan government in any way. Oh and it was Trump who had the current leader of the Taliban released from prison in 2018 along with other Taliban members.

If anyone wanted "help" from the Taliban it was Trump who was the one trying to legitimize them.

"Southern border destroyed?" LOL ok.

Loosen the tin foil hat.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
3 y
The article I posted does not show fraud. It shows trends. Did ABC choose to write the article shows fraud? It is suggestive and IMO, rightfully so.
What are you afraid of by investigation the voting machines? Did you notice, a judge did not allow it?
Your vote down is without merit. It is a vote down simply to vote down with no other real reason. You do hide behind the fact of the ABC report. Which is not the truth.
Is this another example of your thought process that justifies lying? Giving false witness? You will do well in the New Age.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
3 y
Cpl Mark A. Morris - What ABC report? Your link is from Reddit. Also Seth Keshel is in no way an "election expert." At all. That's what the link does is show that his "report" was reviewed by two political scientists that said that his "report" shows no evidence of voter fraud which is what Keshel said he had proof of. The headline of the Reddit post says "National Fraud numbers" so how can you say Keshel said nothing about fraud?
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
3 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Should you use another word other than Bullshit? It's redundant MSgt.
It is too bad the ruling by the court would not allow fore the voting machines used to be evaluated. Don't you agree MSgt?
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
3 y
Cpl Mark A. Morris - I'm still confused as to what ABC report you're talking about since you posted a Reddit thread that's closed on their forum. Also multiple articles debunk Keshel - by people who actually have expertise in elections and show that he has literally no experience in elections and his "report" shows no evidence of voter fraud at all.
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