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Responses: 5
Capt Gregory Prickett
In the Eighth Century, the center of the scientific world was in Iraq, in Baghdad. What plunged Islam into a scientific Dark Ages from which it has not yet recovered were the religious and national leaders discouraging inquiry that was unpopular, like in this case, CRT. In Texas, they can no longer teach school children about the history of the Klan in Texas, which omits the control that the Klan exerted over major cities and the Lege, until the election of Ma Ferguson started their downfall.

This move, if followed through, will make the GOP the leader of the new Know-Nothing Party, and will eventually bring ruin on this nation.

If you don't like CRT, the solution isn't to censor it, the solution is to come up with a competing theory that is as good or better.
Patricia Overmeyer
Patricia Overmeyer
3 y
Capt Gregory Prickett: In ancient Constantinople, ships were stopped in the harbor and boarded by "customs". They were not looking so much for contraband as they were for books, manuscripts, maps, etc. These were "confiscated" and taken to the Imperial Library, where they were meticulously transcribed page by page. The thirst for knowledge of all kinds led to one of the top libraries of the ancient world. Unfortunately, it was burned and destroyed by the Ottoman Empire.
Those who oppose the teaching of CRT do so because they do not understand it. Most of those people have no ability to actually even describe exactly what it is. You are correct, the new Know-Nothing Party will bring down this nation based on their own stupidity mired in self-righteous whitewashing of history so as to appease their own "redemption" of being the "right ones". It's rather pathetic that we have come to a point again where education, critical thinking, and scientific rigor are thrown out the window in the name of "national security". I personally want military leaders to know and understand history from all points of view, including POC, so as to better guide their decisions when we go to war.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
SPC Eduard Romanov - downvoted and blocked. If you want to have a conversation, and can control your mouth, let me know and I'll unblock you. Otherwise go preach to your fan club, if there are any. And for your general knowledge, I've never said that the Klan wasn't organized by those in the Democratic Party, mainly because I'm not a Democrat, and never have been.

CRT isn't taught at the K-12 level. It's usually college level work.
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SPC Jesse Davis
This reads more about the dangers of right wing hysteria moreso than the dangers of CRT.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Wow this tells so much:
"Kaitlyn Romaine is a student at the College of the Holy Cross and a member of the Young Leaders Program in the Center for National Defense at The Heritage Foundation."

And this right here: "Critical race theory asserts that the United States is systemically racist. It follows Marxist ideology by breaking people into groups of oppressors and oppressed based on their race. Making race the focus of all things, the adoption and teaching of critical race theory leads to institutionalized, state-sponsored racism." --- She's just telling us she has no idea what CRT is basically.

"As military recruitment continues to dwindle, this is all the more concerning. Less people are pursuing a career of military service. The ones who are are being indoctrinated with this racist ideology." -- LOL no people aren't joining because most people can't meet the basic standards to enlist. It's also just not something people want to do.
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