Posted on Aug 4, 2021
'Mental health is health. Period.' Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin decries stigma in message to...
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
When I read Alaska I thought of a condition called Seasonal disaffected disorder. It seems mankind came out of areas little effected by our wobbly orbit. When you have shorter days etc some people become get depressed because of lack of sun light. There are glasses that help give you the right light. Is this mental health or a physiological problem effecting mental health. Lloyd Austin is correct, we need to remove stigma and barriers.
LTC David Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown - A close friend has SAD, and light helps. The deal for me is that mental health can be related to diet, environment, physical activity as well as other factors. White knuckling it when getting a little light treatment, diet change etc May solve the problem To think our mind is somehow a separate entity from our body is weird.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
LTC David Brown - You definitely "get it" I teach mind-body...they are intimately connected.
MAJ Byron Oyler
I just came off active duty from the nurse corps and one of the biggest hurdles we have is how we treat these conditions and the pressure from above to end suicides. If a soldier, especially a junior enlisted speaks of depression and maybe suicide, their life comes to a halt and freedoms go away. I have heard of soldiers being required to be at the CQ desk while on suicide watch and the behavioral health inpatient units are little better than prison. Two inpatient admits usually buys you a med board. Soldiers talk and those that are serious about taking their own lives will just do it verses dealing with this treatment. I have said for years and many times here that we train soldiers to be successful at any mission we give them and if suicide is truly that mission, soldiers will get it done. We need to stop using civilian mental health models and adjust fire for service members.
LTC David Brown
MAJ Byron Oyler - How do you get some one to admit to something that may cost them their freedom, and some of their other rights.
The armed forces and veterans have had a mental health crisis for decades. Seeking help has long been stigmatized and counseling has been challenging to come by in a reasonable time frame. There is a crisis in available resources which must be overcome. By continuing to bring these issues front and center hopefully there will be increased changes and more assistance to thoughts and prayers for those affected by these tragic and unnecessary deaths.
Thank you Lt Col Charlie Brown for sharing this article!
Thank you Lt Col Charlie Brown for sharing this article!
Funny. Read the story about Patton slapping the soldier in WWII. While he was rebuked privatley...many shared his way of thinking. The long standing tradition is there is nothing wrong with we want to normalize what we have demonized since inception. Hard culture shift.
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