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Responses: 5
MSG Stan Hutchison
DEM caused? How so?
SPC Jesse Davis
SPC Jesse Davis
3 y
So basically it's only a narrative that fits if you pretend that Jan 6th was no big deal and that Trump cultists prove no real threat.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
3 y
It beats pretending a racist isn't (a racist), a sexual assaultist isn't (a pervert), using your position in government to enrich family does not matter. Just a typical Baizou, guided by emotions or a hypocritical show of selflessness and empathy.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
3 y
SSgt (Join to see) - Hummm,, I was not aware Congress could oredr the NG to do anything.

I believe you are accusing the Dems of things without facts and evidence to support those accusations.

But that has never stopped the Trump cult before.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
3 y
SSgt (Join to see) -
1. Pork? What pork? What unspecified monies?
2. Since when does Congress order any National Guard unit to do anything? Hmm weird since the President or the SECDEF are the only ones who can order the DC Guard to mobilize. Not the House Speaker. Not Congress. Not the DC Mayor even. They have zero control over the DC Guard. Or any of the state Guards.
3. The FBI warned of armed protests planned for Washington DC and all 50 US state capitals ahead of and on the 20 Jan inauguration. So not sure where you got "with no proof."
4. Cite your source that Pelosi "withheld information" from the DC police on Jan 6. What information did she allegedly withhold?

It is quite obvious you are the one never interested in facts as you never supply any.
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SPC Nancy Greene
SSgt (Join to see) I find it extremely interesting the dems wanted the NG troops for the inauguration; yet, refused their assistance during the ‘peaceful’ protests or on January 6!
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
3 y
And did NOT deliver any info the House MAA had to the DC Police, leaving them in the dark.
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
3 y
SSgt (Join to see) not to mention Trump offered NG assistance to Pelosi prior to Jan 6 and she refused it! SSgt (Join to see)
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
3 y
Yep! But it is our fault. Sheesh!
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Cpl Benjamin Long
Is the national guard getting stiffed on the bill by congress? Didn't see that one coming...
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