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Responses: 4
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
People with no knowledge are conducting an election audit. And you fools are dumb enough to fall for this BS.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
The 2020 Election is over with, Biden is the sitting President, and that will only change with bloodshed that I would NOT agree with. Problem is, if what people feel happened in 2020 happens again in 2024 there is a much higher probability of violence. It wont matter what you can prove in 2024, it will be what people believe and if the left loses, ANTIFA will tear shit up. It will be ugly. We have three years left to get this right.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - You are ok with the 2020 election because your guy won, what happens if in 2024 you lose? So many are turning a blind eye because they came out on top but I guarantee even if nothing is ever found this election and tides are turned in 2024, those same people ok today will be violent in 2024. Violent people act on emotions, not rationale or what you can prove in court.
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SPC Joseph Kopac
I wish this nonsense would stop. And it won't as long as a sore loser won't admit it.
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Patricia Overmeyer
This is the stupidity you get when you have people with no clue about elections come in to "audit" the election results. What's the problem now? Oooo no EV32s issued for "mail in ballots". EV32s are no longer issued after the last date to request a mail-in ballot (in this case October 23rd). After that, there is no reason to issue an EV32. All of these 74k+ EV were cast in person at open polling centers. AZ allows for in person EV at polling centers, even if you have requested a mail-in ballot. So you can take your mail-in ballot to the polling center if you wish to do so. What is so hard to understand about that? It's in the SoS election procedural manual, which obviously these people never bothered to read or they would understand how that works.
Good grief! Please get the facts straight as to the actual voting/election procedures that are used in AZ before spewing out the load of animal manure produced by someone who has no clue about voting procedures. It's really easy to understand voting/election procedures by obtaining the actual voting/election procedure manuals issued by the SoS and followed by every single county recorder. It's not rocket science.
Patricia Overmeyer
Patricia Overmeyer
>1 y
MAJ Byron Oyler - People only "feel" that there was some hoodoo voodoo, election stolen, etc. because they are being fed the biggest bunch of animal manure to come down the pike in two generations. We do have three years to get this right and it starts with dismissing this humongous load of propaganda about a "stolen election" because of something, something, fraud, etc. Then we need to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the For The People Act. It shouldn't be that hard to vote, especially for minorities.
I've seen Jim Crow taking hold in way too many state legislatures because it's easier to win an election by suppressing the vote than it is by having good governing ideas. It's taking hold here in AZ where suppressing the Native American vote is considered a good thing by Republicans, even if they say the law is not race-neutral. They know the effects it will have on the Native Americans who reside on tribal nations and who generally vote for Democrats.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
Patricia Overmeyer - It is racist to believe Native Americans and minorities are not as capable to vote as white people. My family does not need help to vote, we are just as capable as any other race.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
Patricia Overmeyer
Patricia Overmeyer
>1 y
MAJ Byron Oyler; Capt Gregory Prickett - Maj. Oyler, on which tribal nation do you reside in AZ? Of which tribal nation are you a member? How much do you have to pay someone to drive you 2 1/2 hours to your polling place? How many of your tribal nation members have vehicles? How many of your tribal nation members don't have vehicles? How many of your tribal nation members (without vehicles) would have to walk over 40 miles to get to their polling place? Does your tribal nation only have one post office for 30,000 people spread out over 4,200 square miles? Do you receive your mail at least ten days after it is mailed? Does your tribal nation issue membership ID cards which are not considered proper ID for the state voter ID requirements? Does your state accept a rental bill, utility bill as proper ID for voting but on your tribal nation you don't have rental or utility bills, and if you do they are not sent to a physical address since there is no mail delivery to a physical address? Does your state require a physical address for voter registration but where you live on your tribal nation there are no physical addresses? Does your state prevent anyone other than a relative to take your sealed ballot to a polling place that is located 2 1/2 hours away? Does your local voter registrar refuse to open up early polling sites on your tribal nation and only has the polling sites open on the day to vote? Does that same local voter registrar open up early polling sites off tribal nation for other voters? I'd like to know what tribal nation you live on so as to compare it to the difficulties our tribal nation members face when voting.
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