Posted on Jul 13, 2021
Illinois becomes first state to require schools to teach Asian American history
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Good. I hope they can soon teach republican hate. Oh and FYI, those nasty KKK democrats all joined the GOP after the voting rights act was passed. Funny how the democrats have become The Party of Lincoln.
SSG Donald Bramley
You hit the nail directly on the HEAD. I too remember those"yellow bellys", not just from the South but from the North,and states as North Dakota, stright down the Central Planes joined the Party of Supremicy, the GOP. That was one of the only Good legilation when LBJ was in office. Yes, Randy, the Repubs. have turned their Backs on our 16th President. I have not heard them Recenly say they are the party, because they can not show any monumental law they passed. A guy I worked with said to me on a break: The GOP believe in a person helping themselves. I said : You have had the oppertunity since the day you were born, but after 200 years WE have some of the same.
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