Posted on Jul 13, 2021
Deployed Then Denied: Veterans Fight for Benefits After Toxic Exposure
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
VA is conducting a study and collecting data on exposed veterans, which is the first step in having them compensate veterans with those injuries. If you signed up for the burn pit registry with the VA, you’re in the study group as long as you agree to participate (which I did). They did not do this, this early, with Agent Orange nor Gulf War Syndrome.
If you’re sick, it never moves fast enough, but this is moving in the right direction.
If you’re sick, it never moves fast enough, but this is moving in the right direction.
LTC Jason Mackay
MSgt Gloria Vance it’s more than the registry. They are pulling in those registry vets for comprehensive testing. I’ve already talked to the team doing it. Waiting for my in person exam. Covid threw a wrench in the process.
LTC Jason Mackay
MSgt Gloria Vance the only way to go faster is to pass legislation to cover it. But what “it” is will not be clear. Some conditions may get left out if they simply shot gun blast guess
MSgt Gloria Vance
LTC Jason Mackay I guess what I dislike is how the Government will say… we’ll cover under your VA benefits and then it takes years and years to discover everything that that could be medically related and then maybe they will cover them. I remember on the initial period during the first Gulf the government didn’t want to admit there were burn pit problems! When they finally admit the problems and if you had them all along, you have to apply and get approved for their service connection! It’s crazy…. The VA is a slow moving machine and has only just now getting better. For years they have had back logged medical aoontments and claims. Some appointments for specialists are still back logged and getting your claim CORRECTLY rated the first time has a minimal chance.
MSgt Gloria Vance
MSgt Gloria Vance sorry my post has slot of typos…. I could say stupid phone…. But it was me!! LOL!!
Very good question after my deployments we filled out questionars about our exposer to toxins. However the Army knowingly allows soldiers to sleep in barricks with aspestos. I spent two weeks in a barricks with aspestos back in 2008 ( they told us not to sweep only wet mop). My husband spent about a month in a barricks with black mold (they also knew it had black mold).
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